bracteate in Vietnamese

@bracteate /'bræktiit/
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Sentence patterns related to "bracteate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bracteate" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bracteate", or refer to the context using the word "bracteate" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Flower: Bracteate or ebracteolate, Actinomorphic and generally hermaphrodite

2. Kevin's glasses had slipped down his nose as he stared at bracteate, trowel and vilifies.

3. The flowers are pedicellate, bracteate, bracteolate, hermaphrodite, Actinomorphic, regular, sometimes slightly, zygomorphic, complete, hypogynous and pentamerous

4. DISC FLORET sessile , Bracteate , complete bisexual actinomorphic epigynous Calyx: Modified into hair like structure (pappus) Corolla: 5 petals , Gamopetalous, valvate Aestivations Androcium: stamens 5 syngenesious , basifixed Gynoceium bicarplellary , syncarpous , ovary inferior 18

5. Braatases brabblers brabbling bracelets brachials brachiate bracingly braciolas bracioles bracketed braconids bracteate bracteole bractless bractlets braeheids braggarts braggiest braggings brahmanis brAidings braillers brailling braillist braincase braindead brainfart brainiacs brainiest brainless brainpans brainsick brainstem brainwash