body weight in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-trọng lượng sống (súc vật)

Sentence patterns related to "body weight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "body weight" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "body weight", or refer to the context using the word "body weight" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Ideal Body Weight & Adjusted Body Weight Ideal body weight (IBW) and Adjusted body weight are frequently used clinically to adjust drug dosing, help estimate renal function and the pharmacokinetics in morbidly obese patients

2. Body Weight Planner How-to Video

3. I want my body weight in gold.

Tôi muốn số vàng bằng cân nặng.

4. Displace the body weight to the opposite side.

5. Obese: Use ideal body weight for dosing calculations.

Béo phì: Sử dụng trọng lượng cơ thể lý tưởng để tính liều.

6. The thoughts underlying Bulimic behaviors relate to a desire to achieve and/or maintain a certain body weight or low body weight

7. 1 Sublethal effects may include: reduced feeding adultadult body weight.

8. Anovulatory women far above their ideal body weight often have PCOS

9. About 26% of their body weight is protein, and 51% fat.

Chừng 26% khối lượng cơ thể chúng là protein, 51% là chất béo.

10. Fig. Effect of body-weight regulation on Sit-up test in.

11. This calculator uses an adjustment factor of 0.4, or 40%, to provide an Adjusted body weight in patients who are more than 20% of their ideal body weight

12. Crunches are one of the best conventional and effective body weight exercises

13. Watch a video to see how to use the Body Weight Planner

14. patients # years of age on a body weight basis receiving # mg/kg

15. A lethal dose of Cyanide is 1-2 milligrams / kilogram of body weight.

16. The apparent body weight adjusted clearance was approximately # % higher than in epileptic adults

17. " Sleep Duration , Sleep Regularity , Body Weight , and Metabolic Homeostasis in School-aged Children . "

" Thời gian ngủ , thói quen ngủ , trọng lượng cơ thể , và hiện tượng nội cân bằng chuyển hóa ở trẻ em trong độ tuổi đi học . "

18. You may need 1 or 2 Crutches to help support your body weight

19. Key words: brown fat, uncoupling protein, hibernation, body temperature, body weight, cold acclimation.

20. You may need 1 or 2 Crutches to help support your body weight

21. The average horse can carry up to approximately 30% of its body weight.

22. The results were classified according to age, height, body weight and surface area.

23. It also helps to control high cholesterol , body weight , stress and blood pressure .

24. An adult Caracal should consume approximately an average of 4% of its body weight

25. Per kilogram of body weight in addition to their usual Antileptic medications and treatment

26. One personality is a Russian weightlifter and can lift three times his body weight.

Một bản thể là vận động viên cử tạ người Nga có thể nâng trọng lượng nặng gấp 3 lần khối lượng cơ thể anh ấy.

27. Before returning down the slip face, it will drink 40% of its body weight.

Trước khi chảy ngược lại mặt, nó cũng uống được 40% trọng lượng cơ thể.

28. With every stride, runners hit the ground with up to five times their body-weight.

29. That is, the Galla Rhois extract according to the present invention exerts beneficial activities of inducing autophagocytosis of adipocytes in vitro, inhibiting body weight gain in an obesity-induced animal model, reducing the body weight of a body weight gain-induced animal model, and lowering the levels of triglycerides and low density lipoproteins in the blood.

30. body weight at sacrifice and absolute and relative organ weight data for the parental animals;

31. body weight at sacrifice and absolute and relative organ weight data for the parental animals

32. Rack gear-type toilet seat for automatically flushing toilet by means of body weight energy

33. Estimated body weight loss (EBWL) describes the amount of body mass lost due to an Amputation

34. In hemiplegia, the initial recommended total dose is # U/kg body weight in the affected limb

35. A subject s actual body weight at initiation of therapy should be used to calculate dose

36. Cigarettes can be an appetite suppressant, and often smokers have a lower body weight than nonsmokers.

37. Limited diet lowers plasma insulin and body weight and restores the adipose tissue sensitivity to insulin.

38. This value is largest by small animals and decreases monotonously as a function of body weight.

39. That Committee allocated an acceptable daily intake (ADI) of #,# mg/kg body weight for E # Red #G

40. 29 Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity, and body weight during the deprivation.

41. A positive allometry to body weight was found for the diameters at the diaphysis of leg bones.

42. The flight is also a weight- watcher’s dream —the warbler burns up nearly half its body weight.

43. With each giant gulp, the whale takes in 125% of its body weight in water and krill.

Cá voi thu lấy một khối lượng bằng 125% khối lượng cơ thể nó bởi nước và động vật nhuyễn thể.

44. Body mass index ( Bmi) is a common tool for deciding whether a person has an appropriate body weight

45. In addition, the Coccidiostats must be consumed at a rate related to the body weight of the heifer.

46. Counterweight-Core This programme is a first line intervention to help people lose 5% of their body weight

47. Ants have special powers – a single ant has the ability to lift 20 times its own body weight

48. Infected pigs can lose up to 12 pounds of body weight over a 3- to 4-week period.

49. Body weight at sacrifice and absolute and relative organ weight data for the P and adult F1 animals;

50. 17 Thus, it is essential to monitor urine flow, serum tonicity,[] and body weight during the deprivation.