aguishness in Vietnamese

- xem ague

Sentence patterns related to "aguishness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aguishness" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aguishness", or refer to the context using the word "aguishness" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Agamically agapanthus agatewares Aggenerate agglutinin aggrandize aggregated aggression aggressive agonizedly agronomics agrosteral aguishness

2. Agapanthus agatewares Aggenerate agglutinin aggrandize aggregated aggression aggressive agonizedly agronomics agrosteral aguishness aircrewman aircrewmen airfreight aithochroi akroterial alabandine albigenses albumenize albuminate albuminoid albuminous alcheringa alcoholdom alcoholise alcoholism alcoholize algebraist algerienne algolagnia

3. Abasedness 13 abjectness 21 abruptness 14 absentness 12 absurdness 13 activeness 15 actualness 12 adroitness 11 aefaldness 14 aerialness 10 afraidness 14 aghastness 14 aguishness 14 amazedness 20 animalness 12 antinoness 10 ardentness 11 arguteness 11 Arrantness 10 artfulness 13.