aglomerular in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "aglomerular"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aglomerular" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aglomerular", or refer to the context using the word "aglomerular" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Aglobulism aglomerular aglossal; Literary usage of Aglee

2. The circumoesophageal connective links the two aglomerular regions.

3. Aglobulism aglomerular aglossal; Literary usage of Aglet

4. In the pyelonephritic areas some juxtamedullary arteriole-glomerular units were converted to aglomerular arterioles forming arteriolae rectae verae.

5. Paired aglomerular (mechanosensory) regions and paired glomerular (antennal) lobes, which are organized into nine islets, occur in the deutocerebrum.

6. In contrast to former observations the renal arterioles of 8 different families of teleosts with glomerular or aglomerular kidneys proved to comprise within their walls epithelioid cells.

7. Aglobulism aglomerular aglosia aglossal aglossate aglossia aglossia-adactylia syndrome aglossia-adactyly syndrome aglossostomia aglow aglucon aglucone aglutition aglycemia aglycon of gitoxin aglycone aglycosuria aglycosuric agmatine agmatology agmen Agmen peyerianum agminate agminate folliculitis agminate gland agminated agminated gland

8. The possible function of the epithelioid cells is being discussed refering to the fact that, contrarily to mammals, neither in aglomerular nor in glomerular kidneys of teleosts exists any topographical relation between epithelioid cells and macula densa, since the nephrons of marine teleosts have no distal tubular segment.