adverse selection in Vietnamese

@Adverse selection
- (Econ) Lựa chọn trái ý; Lựa chọn theo hướng bất lợi.
+ Vấn đề gặp phải trong nghành bảo hiểm.
@Chuyên ngành kinh tế
-sự lựa chọn nghịch
-sự lựa chọn nghịch (thị trường...)

Sentence patterns related to "adverse selection"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "adverse selection" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "adverse selection", or refer to the context using the word "adverse selection" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Another issue may be that of adverse selection.

2. Adverse selection is the result of incomplete information.

3. Adverse selection is particularly troublesome in disaster insurance.

4. Individual risk assessment serves to avoid adverse selection.

5. Information asymmetry contributes to moral hazard and adverse selection problems.

6. Contract provisions will attempt to exclude the possibility of adverse selection.

Hợp đồng quy định sẽ cố gắng để loại trừ khả năng của lựa chọn bất lợi.

7. In particular, adverse selection has been repeatedly held responsible for the annuity puzzle.

8. The state assistance can therefore contribute to solve the problem of adverse selection.

9. Examples of this problem are adverse selection, moral hazard, and monopolies of knowledge.

10. The insurer faces “adverse selection,” because he cannot distinguish between good and bad risks.

11. Such rules would insulate insurance companies from the economic damage caused by adverse selection.

12. In his model, asymmetric information about product quality leads to an adverse selection problem.

13. Two direct aspects of informational asymmetry are usually identified: adverse selection and moral hazard.

14. The primary rationale for risk adjustment is to correct for selection and adverse selection problems.

15. This process of overall quality deterioration driven by asymmetric information is known as adverse selection.

16. Insurers need to obtain adequate information to correctly define risk groups to avoid adverse selection.

17. Availability of collateral and reputation (track record) can alleviate the problem of adverse selection and moral hazard.

18. These provided useful ways for risk sharing but contained the risk of moral hazard and adverse selection

19. Adverse selection is commonly regarded as an important explanation for the limited size of voluntary annuity markets.

20. When intermediaries receive profit-based contingent commissions, intermediaries prevent adverse selection and have no incentives for misclassification.

21. Adverse selection occurs because the price of defaulting for bad borrowers is lower than for good ones.

22. The proposed option (to provide full contributions for part-time staff) would allow adverse selection against the Fund.

23. This information about the product characteristics should enable investors to take well-informed investment decisions and reduce adverse selection.

24. Adverse selection models with private values can also be further categorized by distinguishing between models with one-sided private information and two-sided private information

25. Adverse selection is most likely to occur in transactions in which there is an asymmetry of information—where one party has more or better information than the other party