acid-fast in Vietnamese

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    - (y học) kháng axit
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    @Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
    -kháng axit

Sentence patterns related to "acid-fast"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acid-fast" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acid-fast", or refer to the context using the word "acid-fast" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. No acid-fast bacilli could be detected.

2. No acid-fast rods were seen on Ziehl–Neelsen stain.

3. Ehrlich-Ziehl-Nielsen staining method revealed numerous acid-fast bacilli.

4. In 2 cases chromogenic, acid-fast bacilli were also cultivated.

5. The cerebrospinal fluid sample contained large numbers of acid-fast bacilli.

6. Novel tumor necrosis factor-inducing substance originating in acid-fast bacteria

7. Other bacteria observed included capsule-forming species, acid-fast mycobacteria, and spirochetes.

8. Method and system for identifying acid-fast structures in slide-mounted biological specimens

9. Microbiology Collection of respiratory specimens Acid-fast staining and microscopic examination (AFB smear)

10. — Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

11. Great-tasting, chewable TUMS go straight to the heartburn to neutralize acid fast.

12. • Obtain three urine samples for acid-fast bacilli culture Management Goals of Treatment

13. Microscopy for acid-fast bacilli or equivalent fluorescent staining bacilli on light microscopy

14. Evidence of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) at microscopic examination of spontaneous or induced sputum

15. Positiveness of acid - fast stains of urinary sediment and specificity of B - ultrasonography were low.

16. Histologically, a granulomatous inflammation was present, in which acid-fast bacilli could not be detected.

17. Histological examination revealed a granulomatous inflammation with detection of acid-fast rods, albeit without fibrinoid necrosis.

18. Other organisms, such as Nocardia and Actinomycetes, can be weakly acid-fast, but these are very rare.

19. The phenotype shows a coccobacillary acid-fast organism when cultured in 12B broth and Löwenstein-Jensen solid medium.

Kiểu hình cho thấy sinh vật cầu trực khuẩn có tính kháng axit khi nuôi cấy trong môi trường 12B và môi trường rắn Löwenstein-Jensen.

20. When acid-fast organisms are seen, the number of bacteria is reported semiquantitatively, as shown in Table 7.

21. A chest X-ray and multiple sputum cultures for acid-fast bacilli are typically part of the initial evaluation.

22. Since MTB retains certain stains even after being treated with acidic solution, it is classified as an acid-fast bacillus.

23. The two non-inflammatory bowel disease cultures were from mucosal biopsies, one grew spheroplasts and the other acid fast bacilli.

24. 20 LL leprosydemonstrates a normal epidermis, subepidermal granulomas particularly aroundblood vessels, nerves, and skin appendages, foamy histiocytes, and manyintracellular acid-fast bacilli.

25. Although the Antemortem injuries are severe, they are not the cause of death.: Antemortem stool cultures were negative for enteric pathogens.: Fecal analysis by oocyst identification after acid-fast staining or concentration by sugar flotation constitutes a logical first step toward Antemortem diagnosis.: Antemortem diagnosis of avian aspergillosis is very challenging.