accredited investor in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "accredited investor"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "accredited investor" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "accredited investor", or refer to the context using the word "accredited investor" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Updating the Accredited Investor Definitions

2. To be an Accredited investor, an

3. According to the SEC an "accredited investor" is:

4. [125] The "accredited investor" exemption permits issuers to raise any amount at any time from any person or company defined as an "accredited investor".

5. Access for non-accredited investor to simulated hedged and leveraged investments through exempt variable rate term deposit vehicles

6. Becoming an Accredited investor isn't easy, but if you qualify, you gain access to investment opportunities most people don't

7. 70 The McCallum task force established by the Ontario Securities Commission has recommended establishing that an "accredited investor exemption".

8. For example, a single transaction may fall under the "Accredited Investor Exemption" in B.C. and the "Sophisticated Purchaser Exemption" in Québec.

9. Accredited Investor Exemption - Section 4(6) Offers and sales of securities to accredited investors not exceeding $5 million are exempt from registration.

10. The regulatory environment appears more favorable in the US where a prospectus is not required if a potential investor qualifies as an accredited investor.

11. OSC Rule 45-501 replaced the most commonly used prospectus exemptions in the Securities Act (Ontario)[124] with two new exemptions: the closely-held issuer exemption and the accredited investor exemption.[125] The accredited investor exemption contained in of OSC Rule 45-501 is substantially the same as the exemption found in MI 45-103.

12. Specifically, we focused on the accredited investor exemption, an exempt distribution pursuant to an offering memorandum and an exemption application for a collective investment vehicle.

13. Ch.2 - [15] The "accredited investor" exemption was introduced by Ontario in OSC Rule 45-501 Exempt Distributions (OSC Rule 45-501) in November 2001.

14. An Accredited investor is a person or entity that is allowed to invest in securities that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

15. An Accredited investor has the financial sophistication and capacity to take the high-risk, high-reward path of investing in unregistered securities sans certain protections of the SEC.

16. • the offering is completed according to state law exemptions that permit general solicitation and advertising and securities are sold to "accredited investors" (see v) for SEC definition of accredited investor).

17. The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to update and improve the definition of “Accredited investor” in the Commission’s rules and the definition of “qualified institutional buyer” in Rule 144A under the Securities Act of 1933.

18. As discussed above, Alberta’s Junior Capital Pool Program, British Columbia and Alberta’s System for Shorter Hold Periods with an Annual Information Form, and Ontario’s introduction of the accredited investor exemption are policies implemented in one jurisdiction that were later adopted elsewhere.

19. A similar accredited investor exemption was subsequently adopted by British Columbia and Alberta in Multilateral Instrument 45-103 Capital Raising Exemptions (MI 45-103) in April 2002, which also introduced additional exemptions that differ from those in OSC Rule 45-501.

20. On August 26, 2020, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) adopted amendments to the definition of “Accredited investor” in Rule 501(a) of Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”), which expand the category of investors eligible to participate in private offerings under Regulation D

21. Riding also urges the development of a special offering system related to small public offerings, including a simplified prospectus requirement, an "accredited investor exemption," and relaxed disclosure and filing requirements, all as proposed in the report of the McCallum Task Force to the Ontario Securities Commission in 1996.

22. However, up to $1 million can be raised without having to register a securities offering under the SEC's Regulation D, Rule 504, by taking advantage of the Accredited Investor Exemption or similar state variations.20 ACE-net has been successful in addressing some important obstacles in small business equity finance.

23. OSC Rule 45-501 has a closely-held issuer exemption in addition to the accredited investor exemption, which permits an issuer to raise a lifetime total of $3 million in any number of financings as long as the issuer has no more than 35 shareholders, excluding employees and accredited investors.

24. – On March 31, 2006, the NSSC issued a notice of hearing in respect of a settlement agreement entered into by Oxford and the staff of the Commission touching upon violations of Nova Scotia securities laws occasioned by Oxford’s failure to comply with the Accredited Investor Exemption in part 5 of Multilateral Instrument 45-103.

25. In the United States, hedge funds, private equity, real estate funds, and most structured products are only available to certain investors who qualify as “Accredited Investor” as defined in the Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933 (“the Securities Act”) and/ or “Qualified Purchasers” as defined in Section 2(a)(51) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“the Investment Company Act”).

26. There are examples of locally developed policies that have experienced multilateral or national adoption, such as Alberta’s Junior Capital Pool Program,[13] British Columbia and Alberta’s System for Shorter Hold Periods with an Annual Information Form,[14] and Ontario’s introduction of the accredited investor exemption.[15] None of these policy initiatives, however, appears to have been in response to a distinctively local or regional issue.