accessorily in Vietnamese

- xem accessory

Sentence patterns related to "accessorily"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "accessorily" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "accessorily", or refer to the context using the word "accessorily" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. The middle rectal artery supplies the rectum accessorily.

2. Accessorily, the notion of the absolute optimal density of a network has been introduced.

3. Finally and accessorily, it is suggested that dipolar intercorrelations are weak in acetonitrile.

4. Synonyms for adjunctly include Adjointly, auxiliarily, supplementarily, accessorily, supplementally, sparely, subsidiarily, accessorially, additionally and

5. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components

6. (16) An integrated coastal zone management involves multiple factors among which town and country planning and land use are only accessorily concerned.

7. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark.

8. (15) An integrated coastal zone management involves multiple factors among which town and country planning and land use are only accessorily concerned.

9. It also calls for the mandatory introduction of new requirements for motor-vehicle tyres aimed primarily at reducing fuel consumption and accessorily, noise levels.

10. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark.’

11. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, paragraph 74 above, paragraph 35).

12. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, paragraph 35).

13. Accessorily, Denmark notified an Executive Order that has been never notified so far to the Commission and that lay down important rules for the implementation of the DIS regime.

14. Accessorily, Denmark notified an Executive Order that has been never notified so far to the Commission and that lay down important rules for the implementation of the DIS regime

15. The autonomic nerve lesions were studied especially by means of Troitsky's silver block impregnation, in some cases of Bielschowsky's impregnation also and accessorily with Nissl's method and other current staining technics.

16. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, cited in paragraph 52 above, paragraph 35).

17. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, cited at paragraph 38 above, paragraph 35).

18. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, cited in paragraph 33 above, at paragraph 35, and NARS, cited in paragraph 35 above, at paragraph 58).

19. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the composite mark (judgment in MATRATZEN, cited in paragraph 41 above, EU:T:2002:261, paragraph 35).

20. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark’ (CFI judgment of 23 October 2002, Matratzen Concord GmbH / OHIM (Matratzen), T-6/01, paragraphs 33 to 35).

21. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the compound mark (MATRATZEN, paragraph 46 above, paragraph 35; GRUPO SADA, paragraph 69 above, paragraph 49; and Julián Murúa Entrena, paragraph 68 above, paragraph 54).

22. 59 Accessorily, the Portuguese Republic asks the Court to declare, first, that ‘in Portugal, the current coordinator ensures that the requirements relating to functional independence laid down in Article 4(2)(b) of Regulation No 95/93 are complied with’ and, secondly, that ‘the Portuguese Republic has fulfilled its obligations under Regulation No 95/93’.

23. The Committee is of the view that, in ruling legally that a particular honour should be granted principally to men and only accessorily to women, the State party is taking a discriminatory position vis-à-vis women of noble families that cannot be justified by reference to historical traditions or historical rights or on any other grounds.

24. The Committee is of the view that, in ruling legally that a particular honour should be granted principally to men and only accessorily to women, the State party is taking a discriminatory position vis‐à‐vis women of noble families that cannot be justified by reference to historical traditions or historical rights or on any other grounds.

25. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the mark (Case T‐6/01 Matratzen Concord v OHIM – Hukla Germany (MATRATZEN) [2002] ECR II‐4335, paragraph 35, and judgment of 13 December 2007 in Case T‐242/06 Cabrera Sánchez v OHIM – Industrias Cárnicas Valle (el charcutero artesano), not published in the ECR, paragraph 47).

26. The Committee is of the view that, in ruling legally that a particular honour should be granted principally to men and only accessorily to women, the State party is taking a discriminatory position vis-à-vis women of noble families that cannot be justified by reference to historical traditions or historical rights or on any other grounds

27. In addition and accessorily, account may be taken of the relative position of the various components within the arrangement of the complex mark (MATRATZEN, paragraph 28 above, paragraphs 33 to 35, confirmed by the Order of the Court in Case C-3/03 P Matratzen Concord v OHIM [2004] ECR I‐3657, paragraphs 32 and 33.

28. Device for estimating demands for pitch angle or independent pitch angle velocities for each blade in wind turbines, in order to be accessorily incorporated in relation to the very control system (3) of the wind turbine being used, comprising a measuring system (1) and a robot (2), with the communication system (1) including a set of sensors (4) which are arranged on the blades of the wind turbine, while the robot (2) comprises a module (8) which, on the basis of the information from the measuring system (1), carries out an individual pitch control calculation for each blade, generating a signal so that the PLC (9) of the control system (3) of the wind turbine transmits a command so that actuators (10) cause the blades to rotate individually around the longitudinal axis thereof.