absolute number in Vietnamese

@Chuyên ngành kỹ thuật
-số tuyệt đối

Sentence patterns related to "absolute number"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "absolute number" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "absolute number", or refer to the context using the word "absolute number" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Absolute number (optional

2. Death‐rate (absolute number):

3. It's not some kind of absolute number.

4. However, the absolute number of malnourished children has grown.

5. Number of Malting Barley Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume)

6. > Absolute number of sites in remediation phase or completed.

7. The threshold shall be expressed as an absolute number of shares.

8. • your newsstand sales (both the absolute number and sell-through percentage),

9. Or what the absolute number of growth is every 10 years.

10. The absolute number of people affected by chronic hunger remains high.

11. Number of Malting Barley Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain

12. The absolute number of metastases is less important than the summed volume.

13. The absolute number of fatherhood-exclusions thus may be increased by 0.466%.

14. The absolute number of the extreme poor also fell- from # billion to # million

15. Vitality of cells had constant correlation to absolute number of cells (R=0,95).

16. All Patients. Significant increase of the absolute number of peripheral lymphocytes and B-cells.

17. A slight increase in the absolute number of B-cells was observed in pregnancy.

18. Absolute number and percentage of the rural population living above the rural poverty line

19. Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain and Grade (1) (2)

20. Should the current trends persist, the absolute number of people in LDCs would continue increasing.

21. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Bids (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain (1) (2) ( 3)

22. Not only the absolute number of inspection findings needs to be considered, but also their ‘severity’.

23. Sends either a percentage or an absolute number of video ad requests to a partner publisher.

24. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain (1) (2)

25. A reduction of 20 per cent was thus recorded in the absolute number of level-one classifications.

26. However, the absolute number of poor has changed little and in # amounted to # billion people (World Bank

27. Lymph node density and absolute number of positive lymph nodes appear to affect patient outcome and survival.

28. 2A - Tendering Program Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain and Grade (1) (2)

29. Although the absolute number of HIV infections is low, there is the potential for escalation of the disease.

30. 2A - Commercial Relations Number of Tenders Called (absolute number and tonnage volume) by Grain and Grade (1) (2)

31. No significant difference between pregnant women and controls was found in the absolute number of circulating T-cells.

32. The absolute number is however the translation of a risk assessment that is based on a relative evaluation.

33. An NP chart is useful to follow the absolute number of non conforming units of a production process.

34. The absolute number of visible-minority individuals experiencing low income is perhaps the most disappointing statistic of all: it

35. While the absolute number of Christians rose from 1990 to 2008, the percentage of Christians dropped from 86% to 76%.

Trong khi số lượng Kitô hữu tuyệt đối tăng từ năm 1990 đến năm 2008, tỷ lệ Kitô hữu đã giảm từ 86% xuống còn 76%.

36. Determination of the absolute number of basophiles in the blood as an additional test method for thyroid function ist to be recommended.

37. Represents the absolute number of JIU participating organizations contributing to a particular area at a particular phase (see p. 11 of the report).

38. Furthermore, extracapsular dissemination of lymph node metastases, lymph node density and absolute number of positive lymph nodes were identified as further risk factors.

39. Although the highest absolute number of new HIV cases in the EU occur through heterosexual transmission, most at risk groups are over proportionally affected.

40. While Africa continues to experience solid overall economic growth and the absolute number of people living in extreme poverty seems to be declining, inequalities persist.

41. The absolute number of suicides however is greatest in those between 15 and 29 years old, due to the number of people in this age group.

42. In the past few years, we have experienced a decline in the absolute number of people in poverty, accelerated growth in most developing countries and deepening globalization.

43. In the past few years, we have experienced a decline in the absolute number of people in poverty, accelerated growth in most developing countries and deepening globalization

44. Birgit Arabin Frank A Chervenak The United States is with 37,451 home births in 2014 the country with the largest absolute number of home births among all developed countries.

45. The equilibrium of concentration depended on the number of cigarettes smoked simultaneously (not on the absolute number of cigarettes smoked!) as well as on ventilation and relative wind velocity.

46. Also, as the absolute number of smokers grows — because of global population increases — this will ensure a large enough market to keep the current generation of tobacco farmers in business.

47. The Secretary-General has pointed out that, despite some setbacks in certain countries, progress has been made in reducing poverty rates, though not in reducing the absolute number of poor persons

48. The Secretary-General has pointed out that, despite some setbacks in certain countries, progress has been made in reducing poverty rates, though not in reducing the absolute number of poor persons.

49. New figures issued since the report had been prepared were alarming: the absolute number of non-literate adults had increased, which was due not only to more and better data but also to ongoing poor-quality schooling.

50. Option 3: Include a long-term trajectory for developed countries that should be quantified and be an absolute number; for developing country Parties to be encouraged to develop a long-term green and low-carbon development strategy, plan or programme, as appropriate;