abidingly in Vietnamese

- xem abiding

Sentence patterns related to "abidingly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abidingly" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abidingly", or refer to the context using the word "abidingly" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Matching words include abidances, abideable, abidingly, Abidjanis, Abiezrite, Abigaille, abilities, Abimelech, abiogenic and Abissinia

2. What is extraordinary is that many of these countries (like China, Japan, the Philippines, Malaysia, South Korea, and Vietnam) have been at one another’s throats over territorial and other disputes, while others (not least China and the US) are abidingly suspicious of each other’s geopolitical motives and intentions.

3. At John 14:16, 17, Rotherham renders Jesus’ words as follows: “I will request the Father, and Another Advocate [pa·raʹkle·tos] will he give unto you, that he may be with you age-abidingly, —the Spirit [pneuʹma] of truth,— which the world cannot receive, because it beholdeth it not nor getteth to know it.

4. It is therefore necessary that lay people receive a sound doctrinal and spiritual formation and constant support to enable them to testify to Christ in their environment, in order that society be abidingly permeated with the principles of the Gospel, while at the same time preventing the faith from becoming marginalized in public life.