abbo in Vietnamese

* danh từ
- số nhiều abos, abbos
- người thổ dân; dân cư trú đầu tiên tại địa phương

Sentence patterns related to "abbo"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abbo" from the English - Vietnamese Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abbo", or refer to the context using the word "abbo" in the English - Vietnamese Dictionary.

1. Have a great day, Abbo.

2. Abbo was present at the Siege of Paris by the Vikings in 885–886.

3. Abbo was at Ramsey from 985 to 987, where he taught computus, or the methods for calculating Easter.

4. In 985, Oswald invited Abbo of Fleury to come to Ramsey to help found the monastic school there.

5. Abbo assisted Charles Martel and Childebrand in campaigning against Maurontus in 736 and 739 in the lower Rhône Valley.

6. For the Mouvement pour la démocratie et la justice au Tchad (MDJT): (Signed) General Adoum Togoï Abbo Chairman of the MDJT

7. She obtained her archivist-palaeographer diploma in 1975 with a thesis devoted to Abbo of Fleury, whose Quæstiones grammaticales she edited and commented.

8. Bernstein suffered a heart attack and died while setting up the microphones for a recording session for Dialogos, of repertoire connected with Abbo of Fleury.

9. · By judgment No. 21/CRIM of 21 March 2007, The People vs Abbo Bakar (traditional ruler), the accused who was prosecuted for false arrest, was acquitted

10. Abbo drew on his knowledge of grammar, logic and cosmology to illustrate his arguments, and set it all in the broader context of his theology of Creation.

Abbo đã rút ra kiến thức về ngữ pháp, logic và vũ trụ học để minh hoạ các lập luận của mình, và đặt nó vào bối cảnh rộng lớn hơn trong thần học Sáng tạo của ông.

11. In the 1920s, Abbo belonged to the circle of friends of Else Lasker-Schüler, whom he portrayed several times and who in turn wrote a poem about him..

12. In a document dated 739, in which the monastery was named universal heir by the abbey’s founder, Abbo of Provence, the assets listed included various areas with vineyards.

13. None of Ben Brik's three principal lawyers, Mohammad Abbo, Radhia Nasraoui, and Ayyashi Hamami, was allowed to present the defense's case fully in court; the judge cut each off after a brief statement.

14. Abbo participated in 1923 in a major collective exhibition at the Ferdinand Möller art salon in Berlin, and another important international exhibition in 1926 at the Galerie Neue Kunst Fides in Dresden.

15. These include the writings De Officiis of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria and the smaller writings of Tacitus, but also works of medieval authors such as Gildas, Abbo of Fleury, Dunstan of Canterbury.

16. Abbo of Fleury, writing in the late 10th century, described East Anglia as "fortified in the front with a bank or rampier like unto a huge wall, and with a trench or ditch below in the ground".

17. It is concluded that it is unlikely that persons with 47 chromosomes and an extra small metacentric chromosome constitute a new cytogenetic disease “the syndrome of the metacentric microchromosome”, as suggested by Abbo and Zellweger (1970).

18. Ritonavir is a new HIV protease inhibitor which is sold under the trade name NORVIR in the U.S. The potentially stolen drugs are 100 mg. white capsules imprinted with the Abbott logo and the word "Abbo-Cod PI."

19. Moreover, most of the customary laws, for example the Gedda system in Oromia region, the Abbo-gereb in Tigray region, the Xeer in Somali, play key roles in the maintenance of local peace and order, and above all sub-regional stability.

20. Allegedly, they were all involved in reporting recent attacks against the tribe by Arab militia, and include: Adam Abdel Rasool (teacher); Abdel Moula Aam Abdel Moula (farmer); Gialani Omer (driver); Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed (advocate); Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Moula (teacher); Amir Bahr el Din (farmer); Abdo Harran (farmer); Abdel Gabbar Abdalla (ommda — tribal leader); Abbo Hassan (shartai — tribal leader); Abdel Karim Mohamed Abkr (ommda); Abdalla Muhagir (sheikh — tribal leader).

21. Allegedly, they were all involved in reporting recent attacks against the tribe by Arab militia, and include: Adam Abdel Rasool (teacher); Abdel Moula Aam Abdel Moula (farmer); Gialani Omer (driver); Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed (advocate); Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Moula (teacher); Amir Bahr el Din (farmer); Abdo Harran (farmer); Abdel Gabbar Abdalla (ommda- tribal leader); Abbo Hassan (shartai- tribal leader); Abdel Karim Mohamed Abkr (ommda); Abdalla Muhagir (sheikh- tribal leader

22. c) Eleven leaders from the Fur tribe were reportedly arrested by security forces in Zalingei, western Darfur, on # uly # llegedly, they were all involved in reporting recent attacks against the tribe by Arab militia, and include: Adam Abdel Rasool (teacher); Abdel Moula Aam Abdel Moula (farmer); Gialani Omer (driver); Abdel Wahid Mohamed Ahmed (advocate); Mohamed Ahmed Abdel Moula (teacher); Amir Bahr el Din (farmer); Abdo Harran (farmer); Abdel Gabbar Abdalla (ommda- tribal leader); Abbo Hassan (shartai- tribal leader); Abdel Karim Mohamed Abkr (ommda); Abdalla Muhagir (sheikh- tribal leader