yokel in Vietnamese

Danh từ
người nông thôn, người quê mùa.

Sentence patterns related to "yokel"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "yokel" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "yokel", or refer to the context using the word "yokel" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The clothes makes him look like a yokel.

2. But George Bailey is not a common , ordinary yokel.

3. He plays the country yokel in the butter ad.

4. His mouth was agape in yokel fashion.

5. George Biley is not a ordinary yokel.

6. The clothes makes him look like a slack - jaw yokel.

7. Synonyms for Backwoodsman include hick, yokel, rustic, hillbilly, bumpkin, hayseed, rube, provincial, countryman and clodhopper

8. Synonyms for Countrywoman include farmer, bumpkin, farmhand, paysanne, peasant, provincial, rustic, yokel, campesina and contadina

9. Synonyms for Bumpkin include hick, yokel, hillbilly, peasant, boor, countrywoman, lout, oaf, rube and rustic

10. Who but Ashton would have thought of giving this country yokel so delicate a movement?

11. At school, his classmates regarded him as a yokel and laughed at his rustic mannerisms.

12. Sure, peddle a few lightning rods, pick up a couple of bucks in a shell game fleece a yokel without even scratching him and you're a scalawag.

Phải rồi, bán rong vài cái cột thu lôi, thảy bài ba lá kiếm vài đồng lừa gạt một nông dân thậm chí còn không làm trầy da hắn thì ông là một thằng xỏ lá.

13. Van Buren and his lieutenants, including Calhoun, were Chagrined and humiliated.: Thebold had been Chagrined at learning that Don Cort was not the yokel he had taken him for.: Much Chagrined, and burning with indignation, fullam briefly cried out to his men to advance quickly.: And presently, Chagrined with failure, the culprit was before his grandsire