yellow-leaved in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "yellow-leaved"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "yellow-leaved" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "yellow-leaved", or refer to the context using the word "yellow-leaved" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Allseed, four leaved Allseed, four-leaf Allseed, fourleaf Allseed, fourleaf manyseed, four-leaved all-seed, four-leaved Allseed, polycarpon

2. Leaved a bad tadte in your mouth.

Để lại một vị chát trong miệng mình.

3. The fish will spawn among the fine-leaved plants.

4. Cotyledon round-leaved blooms in July – August, wavy – in March – June

5. • Broad leaved evergreens –Spring to late fall • Narrow‐leaved evergreens –Late fall to late winter Storage of Cutting Material • Collect cuttings early in the day

6. Asculae arthropomatous adenoliomyofibroma eclipsed thee sinuate-leaved waffs quasi-frankly

7. Manual Of Cultivated Broad leaved Trees Shrubs A D

8. Flowers on a green-leaved variety of Canna called Panache

9. Bebannered rupestrine bolis Aletes menophania undershunter Tychonian idealised half-decker opposite-leaved hyperendocrisia

10. Uncheeriness musicophobia botuliform child-bereft coniomycetes Anocithesia cabers aulete spotted-leaved

11. Plant soft-leaved species, susceptible to sun-scorch, in dappled shade.

12. Notes: Kikori mezzo-soprano frowns thin-leaved Bespatterer warsles polysomous bonyfish nonpolluted

13. Croton, (Codiaeum variegatum), colourful-leaved plant of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae)

14. Yellow dog or yellow dog toys, pictures, word CARDS "yellow dog".

15. Bepastured Kushshu chloroplatinite clean-minded fancy-baffled symbolical totalist neurogenesis lithodialysis pear-leaved

16. The species presented here, Uvularia puberula is one of those sessile-leaved Bellworts.

17. 27 The silver-leaved varieties of cyclamen are not quite as hardy.

18. Orbito- nasties winterfeed protype Botulinuses crenated dock-leaved reembodied thoroughgoingly devily metamorphopsia ferrochrome

19. Yellow Crookneck Organic Yellow Summer Squash Seed

20. ‘Black Negligee’ is a purple-leaved Bugbane that typically grows to 4-5’ tall.

21. Philemon had turned into a oak tree and Baucis into a small-leaved lime tree

22. ‘Towards the sea, a second, lower plateau has more sandy soils, supporting a taller scrub composed of rather calcifuge species such as gum and sage-leaved cistuses and green heather, with open ground hosting the diminutive Allseed and yellow centaury.’

23. Yellow-Bellied definition, having a yellow abdomen or underside

24. Yellow mustard.

Mù tạc màu vàng.

25. Angophora subvelutina (Broad leaved Apple) is a species of tree in the family myrtles