whiff in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(động vật học) cá bơn

Danh từ
1. luồng, hơi
2. (hàng hải) xuồng nhẹ
3. (thông tục) điếu xì gà nhỏ

Động từ
1. phát ra từng luồng nhẹ, thổi nhẹ
2. tỏa ra một mùi nhẹ

Sentence patterns related to "whiff"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "whiff" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "whiff", or refer to the context using the word "whiff" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. One whiff will kill you.

Chỉ hít phải một hơi là tiêu đời.

2. One good whiff and it's everlasting sleep.

Chỉ một làn hơi nhẹ thôi cũng đủ khiến ta chìm vào giấc ngủ vĩnh hằng.

3. Jaq smelled the whiff of genetic pollution.

4. This whiff of hypocrisy can only cause resentment.

5. I thought, catching a strong whiff of perfume.

6. Corbett caught a whiff of the fragrant incense.

7. The top of the bookcase is skew-whiff.

8. He caught a faint whiff of her expensive French perfume.

9. The TV show had the whiff of hypocrisy and pomposity.

10. There's a strong whiff of half-baked anarchism about them.

Hiện hữu luồng tư tưởng vô chính phủ nửa vời mạnh mẽ trong họ.

11. But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave, Rampage.

12. 13 Now and again , he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell.

13. 15 But lately he'd been concealing this whiff with his favourite aftershave, Rampage.

14. One whiff - and they raise the stakes by digging deeper into their pockets.

15. Every time you come near them you get a whiff of their cologne.

16. Because if it's written by the bourgeoisie, it hasn't got the authentic whiff - what?

17. I caught a whiff of roast beef as I walked past the kitchen.

18. Whenever there's a whiff of trouble she takes to her bed with the asthma.

19. 7 Because if it's written by the bourgeoisie, it hasn't got the authentic whiff - what?

20. Cockeyed - turned or twisted toward one side; "ayouth with a gorgeous red necktie all awry"- G.K.Chesterton; "his wig was, as the British say, skew-whiff" askew , awry , skew-whiff , wonky , lopsided

21. As I turned out the lights, I caught a whiff of the intense fragrance of hyacinths.

22. 7 The Hispaniola rolled steadily, dipping her bowsprit nod and then with a whiff of spray.

23. Shrapnel was recovered from the scene and the whiff of missile propellent lingered a few hours later.

24. The court may be surprised to learn that the snowman’s past contains a whiff of anti-Semitism.

25. So he peered, leaning forward to catch a whiff of scent, listening to the man's quiet muttering.

26. And, certainly, after the " Affordable Care Act " website fiasco, you could not risk a whiff of program error.

27. However, the Scribe has caught a whiff of success and further sightings of Colin Chapmans will be gratefully received.

28. Standing so close he smelt the fusty clothes and a sour whiff on the old man's breath.

29. 27 There's not a politician in the world we could buy off if they got a whiff of it.

30. Inside, a faint whiff of disinfectant was almost overpowered by the heavy scent emanating from bowls of blue hyacinths.

31. Quite often, the djinn are simply invisible, and may only be identified by a whiff of cinnamon in the air.

32. I Antidoted Coffea Cruda with just a whiff of peppermint from the breath of my son who ate peppermint chocolate eggs

33. When I hear even a hint of idealizing or the faintest whiff of nostalgia in a session, I go, "Phone, please."

Khi nghe thấy một chút lý tưởng hoá hay một tí nhu nhược của nỗi nhớ lúc nào đó, tôi liền: "Đưa điện thoại đây!"

34. 28 The truth is that a whiff of counter-revolution is hard to find - dismaying though that may be for party propagandists.

35. While Beagles are incredibly affectionate, they are stubborn scent hounds, never more so than when they get a whiff of an intoxicating smell

36. As the archetypal ice queen in Double Indemnity, she's got a faint whiff of the dominatrix about her – cleverly disguised under that angelic 'do.

37. A lost generation of planets may now be no more than a whiff of pollution in the atmospheres of their dead parent stars.

38. But the whiff of a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich makes my stomach quail. Eat peanuts or suffer death-by-a-thousand cut5?

39. 20 Critics of the war in Afghanistan (and perhaps even its supporters) will detect at least a whiff of jingoism in the game.

40. To get a whiff of this craziness, check out videos from past Air Sex Championships on its YouTube channel (some of which are NSFW).

41. While my dog loves to go for walks in good weather, he will always Balk if he gets the slightest whiff of rain in the air

42. Yeah, you know, there's nothing worse than heading down south and getting a whiff of some moldy foreskin that smells like a homeless guy's shoes.

Đúng, em biết đấy, không gì tệ hơn khi rúc xuống chím bu và liếm phải bựa đầu khấc có mùi như giày của tổng đà chủ Cái Bang.

43. 45 synonyms for Awry: wrong, amiss, askew, to one side, off course, out of line, obliquely, unevenly, off-centre, cockeyed, out of true, crookedly, skew-whiff

44. WHEN WINTER COMES TO MAIN STREET GRANT MARTIN OVERTON There was a whiff of gunpowder exciting the atmosphere in the Anecdotal part of the history known

45. Askew, to one side, off course, out of line, obliquely, unevenly, off-centre, cockeyed (informal), out of true, crookedly, skew-whiff (informal) He was concerned that his hair might go Awry.

46. Having picked up nine of the 14 gold medals on offer in one of the Games' crown jewel sports, any whiff of a scandal would be damaging for the Olympic hosts during the Games.

47. Northwest Cellars vintner Robert Delf adds another example with this remarkable Petite Sirah, which shows a purity of dark fruit reminiscent of blackberry jam and black cherry preserves with a whiff of tar

48. Though some might accuse Abraham of political correctness (Spencer-Davis, incidentally, is a deaf actor), his production is infused with such infectious high spirits that any whiff of polemical Attitudinizing is quickly whisked away. Beyond Shakespeare's wildest 'Dreams'

49. 28 Reuben "Rooster" Cogburn is a shambling wreck of a man: a grizzled veteran of a few too many shootouts,(www.Sentencedict.com) he wears a black patch over one eye and has the unmistakable whiff of stale whiskey about him.

50. When Danican's poorly trained men attacked, on 13 Vendémiaire, 1795—5 October 1795, in the calendar used in France, at the time—Napoleon ordered his cannon to fire grapeshot into the mob, an act that became known as the "whiff of grapeshot".

Khi những người lính được huấn luyện yếu kém của Danican tấn công ở 13 Vendémiaire năm 1795—ngày 5 tháng 10 năm 1795, theo lịch Pháp vào thời điểm đó—Napoleon ra lệnh cho pháo binh của mình bắn các đạn chùm vào đám đông, một hành động sau này được gọi là "luồng đạn chùm".