well-preserved in Vietnamese

Tính từ
không thể hiện các dấu hiệu của tuổi già, trông còn trẻ (người già)
ở trạng thái tốt (các vật cũ)

Sentence patterns related to "well-preserved"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "well-preserved" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "well-preserved", or refer to the context using the word "well-preserved" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The villa is well preserved.

2. So make sure you're well preserved.

Giờ hãy giữ nó an toàn mọi lúc mọi nơi

3. Is he really 60? He's remarkably well preserved.

4. There are also several well-preserved Byzantine frescoes.

5. The remains of the Roman fort are well preserved.

6. ‘The seventh cervical vertebra is Biconcave and is well preserved.’

7. Sections have been cut through well-preserved coral in limestone.

8. Hailongtun is an example of a well-preserved medieval castle in China.

Hải Long đồn là một ví dụ về một lâu đài thời Trung cổ được bảo quản tốt ở Trung Quốc.

9. Padua and Vicenza are prosperous, well-preserved cities, not overrun by tourists.

10. The body was found to be well preserved, his features easily recognizable.

11. Abundant Concretions at several levels contain well-preserved ammonoids, bivalves and occasional fish

12. In the center of the court a well-preserved cube-shaped cella stands.

Ở trung tâm của quần thể một đá hình khối được bảo quản tốt dựng đứng.

13. Albania's most charming medieval town is home to an amazingly well-preserved citadel

14. The Amphitheatre of El Djem is so well preserved, both inside and outside

15. 18 Padua and Vicenza are prosperous, well-preserved cities, not overrun by tourists.

16. The Grossmarkthalle is well preserved though its roof is replaced by a glass construction.

17. Autunite - Superb, well-preserved specimen with good provenance as shown in the provenance tab

18. 16 It was a pretty town with a picturesque harbour and well-preserved buildings.

19. Another well-preserved fossil chelydrid is the Late Paleocene Protochelydra zangerli from North Dakota.

Một chelydridae hóa thạch được bảo quản tốt là hóa thạch Paleocene Muộn Protochelydra zangerli từ Bắc Dakota.

20. A body buried in a sufficiently dry environment may be well preserved for decades.

Xác được chôn trong môi trường đủ khô ráo có thể được bảo quản tốt trong vài thập niên.

21. The body is remarkably well-preserved, except for the extremities, which frostbite took care of.

Cái xác được bảo quản khá tốt, chỉ có tứ chi là đã chết cóng.

22. A fantastic group of four, large well preserved Jurassic Brachiopods on matrix.All fully inflated and complete

23. It has become a tourist attraction with tunnels, cannons and other war structures still well-preserved.

Đảo trở thành một địa điểm du lịch với sự thu hút của những đường hầm, pháo và các công trình quân sự vẫn được bảo quản tốt.

24. Today, the elegiac address two well - preserved tablets Ju Dou, to the person, " Li Jia Fen. "

25. The cytoplasmic organelles were well preserved; notably, the mitochondria had electron-dense matrices and well-defined cristae.

26. This imposing and well-preserved Altarpiece achieves monumentality through the modeling and scale of the major figures

27. He's a rare well preserved example of a person originally thought to be from the bronze age.

28. Older geological features include 300 million year old glacial pavements which are well preserved given their age.

29. It is a well-preserved and particularly fine example and one of the four early churches extant.

30. Famous for its dive sites, Bonaire boasts clear water, well-preserved coral reefs and hundreds of fish species

31. Occasionally, archaeologists stumble across huge, well-preserved pieces of fossilized dinosaur dung—or “Coprolites,” as they’re politely called.

32. It has a very well-preserved Roman amphitheater, a first-century temple and the remains of Roman baths.

33. Like Archaeopteryx, well-preserved fossils of Microraptor provide important evidence about the evolutionary relationship between birds and dinosaurs.

Giống như Archaeopteryx, Microraptor đã cung cấp bằng chứng quan trọng về quan hệ tiến hoá giữa chim và khủng long.

34. It is not as well preserved as Structures 39 and 40 and much of the vaulted roof has collapsed.

Nó không được bảo tồn tốt như Cấu trúc 39 và 40 và phần lớn mái vòm đã bị sập.

35. The Table allows students to interact with young and well preserved digital Cadavers instead of aged and degenerated bodies

36. Unlike shallow-water wrecks, which are rotted by marine organisms and turbulence, deep water finds should be well preserved.

37. As to whether she was young, middle-aged or only well-preserved, no one was in a position to Asseverate.

38. The hot, dry desert sands that cover most of Peru’s Pacific Coast have yielded thousands of well-preserved mummified bodies.

Người ta đã tìm thấy hàng ngàn xác ướp dưới lớp cát nóng và khô của vùng sa mạc bao phủ phần lớn bờ biển Thái Bình Dương ở Peru.

39. Famous landmarks in Arles include a well-preserved 2,000 year old Roman Arena, an attractive town hall and Espace Van Gogh

40. Another striking find, a 3-metre-high four-wheel funerary chariot, survived well-preserved from the 5th to 4th century BC.

Một phát hiện đặc sắc khác, cỗ xe tang cao 3 mét, 4 bánh làm từ gỗ bạch dương, được bảo tồn cực tốt từ thế kỷ 5 TCN.

41. Those samples – which were particularly well-preserved thanks to the ancient Egyptians' masterful mummification – contain the real treasure for scientists: DNA.

42. An I-131 Adosterol scan showed positive uptake in both adrenal glands, indicating well-preserved adrenocortical function despite the bilateral masses

43. The Montenegrin Adriatic coast is 295 km long, with 72 km of beaches, and with many well-preserved ancient old towns.

44. Bisbee is a free-spirited place with a thriving arts/music/hospitality scene, amid a remarkably well-preserved historical architectural setting

45. Unlike shallow-water wrecks, which are rotted by marine organisms and turbulence,[sentence dictionary] deep water finds should be well preserved.

46. 6 In its present state of suspended animation, however, H-4 may look forward to a well-preserved life of undetermined longevity.

47. Some of the airfields are remarkably well preserved and the viewer can easily equate the archive footage with the scenes shot recently.

48. Anuradhapura is one of the ancient capitals of sri lanka, famous for its well-preserved ruins of an ancient sri lankan civilization

49. Nestled in the heart of Downtown Napa Valley, Celadon is a renowned restaurant that is located on the well-preserved Napa riverfront property

50. Paleontologists have found two well-preserved fossils, one in Germany in the 1850s and the second in France more than a century later.

Các nhà cổ sinh vật học đã phát hiện ra hai hoá thạch còn được bảo quản tốt, một ở Đức vào thập niên 1850 và một ở Pháp vào thập niên 1970.