wattle in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. yếm thịt (ở dưới cổ gà tây)
2. râu cá

Danh từ
1. cọc, cừ (để giữ đất khỏi lở)
2. phên, liếp
3. (thực vật học) cây keo

Ngoại Động từ
1. đan (que...) thành phên liếp
2. làm (tường, hàng rào...) bằng phên liếp

Sentence patterns related to "wattle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wattle" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wattle", or refer to the context using the word "wattle" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. WAttle support for students - Follow the link WAttle can be used

2. Baron’s Black Wattle Ale, Australia.

3. The Australian Coat of Arms includes a wreath of wattle; this does not, however, accurately represent a golden wattle.

Phù hiệu áo giáp của Úc bao gồm một vòng hoa của cây keo, tuy nhiên, không chính xác là cây keo vàng.

4. Golden Wattle —Welcoming Spring Down Under

Cây keo hoa vàng—Đón mùa xuân đến trên Đất Úc

5. Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle.

6. In 1988 the golden wattle (Acacia pycnantha) was made Australia's official floral emblem and, in 19 1 September was named National Wattle day.

7. Next, a few short wattle poles would be placed around the top of the pit, and more wattle would be woven to it.

Tiếp theo một vài đoạn cột liếp ngắn sẽ được đặt xung quanh đỉnh hố và nhiều tấm liếp hơn sẽ được đan kết vào nó.

8. What is WAttle Web Access To Teaching & Learning Environments also known as WAttle, consists of Moodle as the main underpinning platform

9. Baron's Black Wattle Ale, Australia. This unusual but tasty brew is fermented from barley and native wattle seeds and resembles a light bodied stout.

10. The results showed that Black Wattle is prolific in seed production and mainly reproduced sexually, while Silver Wattle sprouts heavily with high survival rate.

11. The botanical name for the golden wattle is Acacia pycnantha.

Tên thực vật của cây keo hoa vàng là Acacia pycnantha.

12. These Acacias share with the Silver Wattle the feathery foliage

13. Wattle and daub is one of the oldest building techniques.

Wattle và daub là một trong những kỹ thuật xây dựng lâu đời nhất.

14. There is a house with wattle fence in the picture.

15. The fragrant wattle flower is used in perfume making.

Hoa keo thơm ngát được dùng để sản xuất nước hoa.

16. Caruncle definition is - a naked fleshy outgrowth (such as a bird's wattle).

17. Every magpie, minah, and wattle-bird within a mile joins in the Clamour

18. Wattle is purpose - built to withstand the country's droughts, winds and bush fires.

19. A fence or wattle placed in a stream to catch or retain fish.

20. For Cockerels, the comb or wattle is smaller and a little bright red

21. Fig .1、2 The ultrastructure of leaf cells of black wattle at 20℃.

22. When in flower , the golden wattle displays the national colours, green and gold.

23. The Red Wattle hog is a breed of domestic pig originating in the United States.

Lợn tai đỏ (Red Wattle hog) là một giống lợn nhà có nguồn gốc ở Hoa Kỳ.

24. Wattle seeds have been ground into flour and made into bread and even pasta.

Hạt keo được xay thành bột để làm bánh mì và cả mì ống nữa.

25. 19 The walls of timber-framed houses were often made of wattle and daub.

26. Native foods such as eucalyptus, wattle, casuarina, bottlebrush and melaleuca are also enjoyed by Cockatiels.

27. Clumped together next to some wattle trees are about ten humble small terra-cotta huts.

28. The national park consists of 13,800 hectares of eucalypt woodland, spinifex, wattle and Mitchell grass.

Vườn quốc gia bao gồm 13.800 ha rừng bạch đàn, spinifex, wattle và cỏ Mitchell.

29. On national days of mourning, for example, Australians are invited to wear a sprig of wattle.

30. Detectives are investigating after the Wattle Grove home of Burty O’Meagher was shot at just after 1.15am

31. In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.

32. Of course, the golden wattle does more than just announce the spring —it does so with grace and beauty.

Dĩ nhiên, cây keo hoa vàng không chỉ báo hiệu mùa xuân đến mà thôi—nhưng nó còn làm điều ấy bằng vẻ duyên dáng và đẹp đẽ.

33. • Plastering and painting brick walls; plastering adobe and wattle walls using nails or small twigs to hold the plaster;

34. Many older timber frame buildings incorporate wattle and daub as non load bearing walls between the timber frames.

Nhiều tòa nhà khung gỗ lớn hơn kết hợp wattle và daub như tường không chịu tải giữa các khung gỗ.

35. As one species of a large genus of flora growing across Australia, the golden wattle is a symbol of unity.

36. Mason’s verse speaks of “dainty, curts’ying Wattle,” referring to the way the blossom-laden branches bow and sway in the spring breezes.

Câu thơ của Mason nói về “dáng thanh nhã, nhún gối chào của cây keo”, ám chỉ những tán keo đầy hoa oằn mình đung đưa trong gió xuân dịu dàng.

37. The golden wattle is an evergreen, spreading shrub. It grows in the under storey of open forest, woodland and in open scrub.

38. Functional groups of the oxidizing degraded products of Black Wattle extract have been studied by using chemical classified tests , IR spectrum and conductivity titration methods.

39. The bark of A. pycnantha produces more tannin than any other wattle species, resulting in its commercial cultivation for production of this compound.

Vỏ cây Acacia pycnantha tạo ra chất tannin nhiều hơn bất cứ loài cây keo khác, dẫn đến việc khai thác thương mại sản xuất hợp chất này.

40. WAttle is augmented with other online learning facilities such as Turnitin (text-matching system), Echo360 (lecture recording system) and Voice Tools (audio recording tools)

41. One variety of wattle, Acacia acuminata, has been called raspberry jam because its timber when freshly cut gives off an odor like that of crushed raspberries.

Một loại cây keo khác, Acacia acuminata, được gọi là mứt dâu vì khi xẻ gỗ thân keo còn tươi nó có mùi giống như nước ép trái dâu hoang.

42. Australia's National Floral Emblem is the golden wattle. It has been used in the design of Australian stamps and many awards in their honours system.

43. After describing the somber “olive-green and brown and grey” that dominate the late winter landscape, the poem announces joyously: “But now the Spring has come this way / With blossoms for the Wattle.”

Sau khi mô tả “màu xanh úa, màu nâu và màu xám” ảm đạm bao trùm cảnh vật cuối mùa đông, bài thơ hân hoan báo tin: “Nhưng giờ xuân đã đến / Cây keo hoa vàng trổ bông”.

44. ‘The fine-leafed Beefwood or forest wax tree, Grevillea coriacea (family Proteaceae), is a characteristic tree of the open woodland and grassland of central Cape York Peninsula.’ ‘Sally wattle, ironwood and Beefwood dominate the very sparse canopy.’

45. ‘The fine-leafed Beefwood or forest wax tree, Grevillea coriacea (family Proteaceae), is a characteristic tree of the open woodland and grassland of central Cape York Peninsula.’ ‘Sally wattle, ironwood and Beefwood dominate the very sparse canopy.’

46. In Asity The male of the velvet Asity (Philepitta castanea) has yellow tips to its feathers when newly molted, but these wear off, leaving the bird all black; at the same time, a green wattle grows above the eye

47. In botany, an elaiosome (fleshy structure attached to the seed), especially in the plant family Euphorbiaceae; In animal anatomy: prostomium, the sensory organ of Annelid worms; the wattle (anatomy), cockscomb, or snood of some birds; In human anatomy: sublingual Caruncle, an area on the tongue; a small, red portion of the corner of the eye

48. Within this leafy Boskage stood huts of wattle, cunningly wrought; beneath the steep were many caves carpeted with dried fern and fragrant mosses, while everywhere, above and around, the trees spread mighty boughs, through which the sun darted golden beams be-dappling the sward, and in whose leafy mysteries the birds made joyous carolling.