vortices pilorum in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "vortices pilorum"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vortices pilorum" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vortices pilorum", or refer to the context using the word "vortices pilorum" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Horizontally, most polar vortices have a radius of less than 1,000 kilometres (620 mi).

Theo chiều ngang, hầu hết các xoáy cực có bán kính ít hơn 1.000 kilômét (620 dặm).

2. As the Allobaric beltintensified, the vortices gradually enhanced and became attracted to each other

3. The bumps on a whale's flipper help form vortices that generate more lift, more smoothly.

4. Ozone depletion occurs within the polar vortices – particularly over the Southern Hemisphere – reaching a maximum depletion in the spring.

Sự suy giảm ôzôn xảy ra trong các xoáy cực - đặc biệt là ở Nam bán cầu - sẽ có sự cạn kiệt tối đa vào mùa xuân.

5. 1 day ago · The Axisymmetric shear layer rolls up into the ring vortices at x* ≈ 2.0 [Fig

6. The ground effect on the lift and drag forces and vortices generated by a slender reverse delta wing with different Anhedrals was investigated experimentally

7. Unlike a 2D nozzle, an Axisymmetric nozzle does not have corners which negates the formation of vortices, resulting in a higher quality flow

8. Atrociousnesses atrocities (current term) atrocity atroke atrop-atrophedema: atrophia atrophia cutis atrophia maculosa varioliformis cutis atrophia pilorum propria atrophias atrophic atrophic arthritis atrophic excavation atrophic gastritis atrophic glossitis

9. The ground effect on the lift and drag forces and vortices generated by a slender reverse delta wing with different Anhedrals was investigated experimentally

10. The ground effect on the lift and drag forces and vortices generated by a slender reverse delta wing with different Anhedrals was investigated experimentally

11. Landing speeds were also reduced, as the chines' vortices created turbulent flow over the wings at high angles of attack, making it harder to stall.

Tốc độ hạ cánh cũng được giảm bớt, vì những luồng gió xoáy tạo ra từ cằm chảy trên cánh ở góc tấn lớn, khiến cho cánh khó bị chòng chành.

12. for all peoples have a kind of centrifugal force that makes them continually act one against another, and tend to aggrandise themselves at their neighbours’ expense, like the vortices of Descartes.

13. This transition is to some extent governed by the inner forces of the molecules involved: when the forces of acceleration are greater than the inner forces that hold molecules together, unsteady vortices appear, eddies are formed and drag fluctuates.

14. By means of this method are stainable the cords of the vegetative terminal formations at the border of epidermis and cutis, in the cutis, in the neighborhood or in the adventitia of the blood-vessels, in the musculi arrectores pilorum, and around the eccrine sweat glands.

15. A subsonic aircraft having Backswept lifting wings is equipped with individually rotatable winglets at the wing tips thereof, in order to reduce drag during cruise flight, to minimize the dangers posed by wing tip vortices to following aircraft during take-off and landing, and to minimize the total wingspan during ground operations, with respective different positions of the winglets.