ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus", or refer to the context using the word "ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Jamshidi and Taylor (2001) Anandamide administration into the ventromedial hypothalamus stimulates appetite in rats.

2. ‘The Amygdaloid nuclei project to ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus via the stria terminalis.’ ‘For example, damage to the central Amygdaloid nucleus reduces activation of NTS and PVN neurons following IL - 1beta injections and attenuates stress-induced norepinephrine release in the PVN.’

3. Subthalamic nucleus and Accumb ens core and stimulates oxy-tocinergic neurons in the hypothalamus

4. After an injection of 3H-proline confined to the ventral portion of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, transported label can be followed, in the Autoradiographs, dorsally and caudally in the periventricular area as far as the caudal end of the ventromedial nucleus, into the triangular area between this nucleus and the arcuate nucleus, and along the

5. The nucleus of the solitary tract, which relays vagal afferents from gut and liver and also gustatory afferents, projects to the hypothalamus and to other forebrain structures.

6. After Bingeing on high‐fat food, mice exhibit elevated c‐Fos expression (a marker of neuronal activity) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), ventral tegmental area, and lateral hypothalamus ()

7. The Arcuate nucleus is located at the ventral border of the hypothalamus in close proximity to the median eminence through which it exerts influence over the anterior pituitary gland

8. Most of the cells of the brain react weakly, but in the phylogenetically older parts, e. g., hypothalamus, amygdaloid nucleus, and cingulate gyrus, certain astrocytes and microglia were observed which were highly reactive.

9. The afferent pathways for the hypothalamus take their end both in the mammillary bodies and the medial nuclei of the hypothalamus.

10. The posterior hypothalamus performs the function of defence against cold.

11. Type of family nucleus

12. Pain from peripheral nerve conduction were not aware of the hypothalamus.

13. Repetitive single shock stimulation of the medullary nucleus stopped the nucleus and organ discharge.

14. Decay of the nucleus is by emission of a fast-moving helium nucleus, an alpha particle.

15. Topic: Size of family nucleus

16. Thyroid regulation begins in the area of the brain called the hypothalamus.

17. The anterior hypothalamus plays a role in regulating sleep.

18. Into healthy emotional Response... your hypothalamus Never learned control.

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19. Causes of Androgen deficiency include problems of the testes, pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

20. The temperature control centre is located in the hypothalamus.

21. 4 words related to Achromatin: body substance, cell nucleus, karyon, nucleus

22. The activity of ChE in the ground substance of various portions of hypothalamus is variable.

23. A single nucleus (the original nucleus of Amoebula) is present in the full-grown macrospheric individual

24. What are Centrioles made of? Nucleus

25. This thermostat is found in the part of the brain called the hypothalamus .

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