upper limit in Vietnamese

Giới hạn trê

Sentence patterns related to "upper limit"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "upper limit" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "upper limit", or refer to the context using the word "upper limit" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. 8 This places an upper limit on our lifespan.

2. Capping: to set bounds or an upper limit for.

3. The Bantamweight division has an upper limit of 135 lb

4. Robert, what's the upper limit for emotional synthetics'worth to the economy?

Robert, tối đa bao nhiêu với giá trị của người máy có cảm xúc cho nền kinh tế?

5. They amount to a fine for misbehaviour, but have no upper limit.

6. 19 Its upper limit is determined by the conditions in the ionosphere.

7. We therefore conclude that 30 degrees is the upper limit for acceptable final Angulation.

8. The upper limit of the floating exchange rate trading band for today was 0

9. For terrestrial animals, poultry typically possess a safe upper limit of TDS exposure of approximately 2900 mg/l, whereas dairy cattle are measured to have a safe upper limit of about 7100 mg/l.

Đối với các động vật sống trên cạn, gia cầm thường có giới hạn trên an toàn của tiếp xúc TDS là khoảng 2900 mg/l, trong khi bò sữa được xác định là có giới hạn trên an toàn khoảng 7100 mg/l.

10. As an upper limit a urinary aluminum excretion of 30 μg/l was figured out.

11. This ration has, as its upper limit, the number of eligible planets in the universe.

12. 3 They put an upper limit of 6 million cubic meters on annual timber extraction.

13. The absence of an upper limit to VAT rates adds to the complexity of the system.

14. The reason for the low upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is not properly understood.

15. The results establish an upper limit to the values of the absorption coefficients in this frequency region.

16. The upper limit on the internal magnetic dipole moment is only 0.00005 of that of the Earth.

17. 6 The normal upper limit of VA isthmus was 4 mm by 5 mm ( length by width ).

18. A good rule of thumb is to think of 30k as around the upper limit for a page.

19. 14 For hearing, 20 Hz is the lower limit of frequency and 000 Hz is the upper limit.

20. A weight division in professional boxing having an upper limit of 118 pounds , between junior Bantamweight and junior flyweight

21. A Capped index is an equity index that has an upper limit on the weight of any single security

22. There is no upper limit on the number of cattle attracting HLCAs but sheep are limited to 6 per hectare.

23. The mission plan called for an upper limit on the amount of propellant that could be used during the descent.

24. Cystine is relatively insoluble in aqueous solutions such as urine with an upper limit of solubility is 243 mg/L

25. An upper limit in the low 40s (K) can be set from vapor pressure equilibrium with nitrogen gas in Triton's atmosphere.

Một giới hạn trên trong độ tuổi 40 thấp (K) có thể được thiết lập từ trạng thái cân bằng áp suất hơi bằng khí nitơ trong khí quyển của Triton.

26. In all stocking locations, initial inventory buffers are set which effectively create an upper limit of the inventory at that location.

Tại tất cả các điểm lưu trữ, bộ đệm hàng tồn kho ban đầu được cài đặt tạo một giới hạn trên hàng tồn kho hiệu quả tại vị trí đó.

27. Adynamic bone disease may develop if PTH levels are chronically suppressed below approximately # times the upper limit of normal with the iPTH assay

28. Typically, the Cankerworm population will increase to an upper limit where it will remain for 2-3 years, and then decline for the same duration

29. Clonal disorders of eosinophils (chronic eosinophilic leukemia, Clonal hypereosinophilic syndrome) What every physician needs to know: The upper limit of normal circulating eosinophils in the

30. Models of star formation by accretion from molecular clouds predict an upper limit to the mass a star can achieve before its radiation prevents further accretion.

31. It also is thought to provide a much better estimate for wind speeds, and sets no upper limit on the wind speeds for the strongest level, EF5.

Nó cũng ước lượng rõ hơn các tốc độ gió và không đặt tốc độ tối đa cho cấp cao nhất EF5.

32. Optically stimulated luminescence radiation dosimetry method to determine integrated doses and dose rates and a method to extend the upper limit of measurable absorbed radiation doses during irradiation

33. The rebound effect may be particularly large for lighting, because in contrast to tasks like transport there is effectively no upper limit on how much light could be considered useful.

Hiệu ứng hồi phục có thể đặc biệt lớn đối với việc chiếu sáng, bởi vì ngược lại với các nhiệm vụ như vận chuyển thì không có giới hạn nào về lượng ánh sáng có thể được xem là có ích.

34. Therapy with pioglitazone should not be initiated in patients with increased baseline liver enzyme levels (ALT > # X upper limit of normal) or with any other evidence of liver disease

35. The urinary excretion of Cystine in cystinuria ranges between 350–500 mg/day and can easily exceed the upper limit of solubility unless patients are instructed to drink large amounts of fluid.

36. If the concentration of H2SO4 exceeds the upper limit, the minerals and rocks react to X-ray amorphous, gel-like products, at concentrations below the lower limit, the starting material remains unchanged.

37. Cryids are Aridisols with soil temperatures between 5º and 8º C, 5º is the lower temperature limit of Aridisols, 8º is the upper limit of cryic soil temperature regime.

38. For ALT (SGPT) elevations between 2 and 3 times the upper limit of normal, the dose of leflunomide may be reduced from 20 mg to 10 mg/day and monitoring should be performed weekly.

39. Increases to more than three times the upper limit of normal (ULN) in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) occurred in # % of patients receiving Tasmar # mg three times daily, and # % of patients at # mg three times daily

40. The mean, SD, and the upper limit of normal (mean +2 SDs) of the 3 groups were calculated, and statistical tests were used to check for significant differences of the basion-Cartilaginous dens interval among these 3 groups.

41. A movable plate (238) is positioned adjacent the first side and is movable between a first position defining an upper limit of the cable path when the tray is closed and a second position allowing access to the cable path when the tray is open.

42. The Bandpass filter response (Figure 6.1C) is essentially overlaid LPF and HPF responses.There are two cutoff frequencies: a lower limit (F 1) and an upper limit (F H), both of which are defined a t −3 dB points.The bandwidth of the BPF is defined as the difference between −3 dB points:

43. The number of verses that are considered to have been Abrogated increased dramatically between the eighth and eleventh centuries (al-Zuhri mentions 42 Abrogated verses, al-Nahhas 138, and Ibn Salama, 238), at which point an upper limit seems to have been reached (Ibn ‘Ata’iqi identifies 231 Abrogated verses, and al-Farsi, 248).

44. In view of the financial risk resulting from the absence of an upper limit for such costs, OIOS recommended that the Department of Peacekeeping Operations should submit proposals to the General Assembly for establishing a reasonable limit for payment of medical expenses for service-related injuries incurred by civilian police, military observers and members of military contingents.