unwitting in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "unwitting"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unwitting" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unwitting", or refer to the context using the word "unwitting" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We're unwitting victims of the system.

2. Benighting From the web: unwitting

3. She became his unwitting accomplice in the robbery.

4. He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.

5. 20 An unwitting mistake may be overlooked.

6. 1 We're unwitting victims of the system.

7. 9 He waited, unwitting, ready to be of service.

8. 7 She was the unwitting cause of the argument.

9. She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers.

10. 16 Please forgive my unwitting interruption of your conversation.

11. 19 When newspaper publishes list, I am unwitting.

12. 18 She was unwitting tool of the swindlers.

13. 3 She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers.

14. 11 He had even specified the date of his unwitting confessional.

15. 6 She became his unwitting accomplice in the robbery.

16. 5 He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.

17. 17 Or maybe Laura's unwitting influence has called it out.

18. 4 It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair's part.

19. “redemption” (via unwitting humiliation, no less) reaches Branaghian levels of bathos

20. 6 It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair's part.

21. And you're home early, so I assume you haven't become an unwitting adulteress.

22. 13 Some portray the family as unwitting dupes of conspiracy theorists.

23. 8 The prime minister was an unwitting tool of the president.

24. 12 This has turned drug regulators into unwitting protectors of drug companies.

25. 21 Situations are staged and the reactions of unwitting passers - by are filmed.

26. 22 Non - cooperation is a protest against an unwitting and unwilling participation in evil.

27. 27 The focal point of MKULTRA was the use of humans as unwitting subjects [ without their knowledge ].

28. In the process, you may also have offered some unwitting indicators as to how your brain works.

29. At this time, the grizzly was an unwitting figure in a controversy among biologists which still continues.

30. 15 At this time, the grizzly was an unwitting figure in a controversy among biologists which still continues.

31. I would like to think this was an unwitting translation error but this derogatory phraseology is probably not accidental.

32. 14 And while the injunctions are subject to unwitting acceptance,(www.Sentencedict.com) it is impossible to call them into question.

33. Cannibal Rudy Eugene set upon unwitting Ronaldo Poppo on a Florida freeway, leaving him with only one eye and severe facial injuries

34. 24 Whether the Ipswich directors who watched him blow his top with the unwitting journalist believe that is debatable.

35. Here's a list of the eight Creepiest science experiments, involving both human subjects and unwitting guinea pigs from the animal kingdom.

36. 25 The ignorant remark jars discordantly upon the hyper-sensitive brain; the King of Terrors is desecrated by that unwitting disrespect.

37. 10 Dennis's unwitting participation in our mating was so exciting that we soon overcame any lingering doubts about the risks involved.

38. The theme of the book is Brahminist wile behind bomb blasts across the country and the deft shifting of the blame on unwitting Muslims.

39. 2 The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drugs dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.

40. Tasking collection amongst witting or unwitting social groups could be an expedient way of finding out what's going on in some field of concern.

41. 28 For instance, aristolochia, which destroyed Sandra’s and Patricia’s lives, is still being sold to unwitting British patients, despite being legally banned.

42. 27 The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drugs dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.

43. 30 The two women claimed they were the unwitting victims of a drugs dealer who planted a large quantity of heroin in their luggage.

44. (This story is the origin of the expression "Bellerophontic letters," in which someone is made the unwitting bearer of a message harmful to them

45. The very fact that Jews were present at the meal described by the Talmud makes them unwitting Approbates, no matter the precautions taken

46. Law's latest work, Believing Bullshit, sets out a spotter's guide to the standard techniques of intellectual quackery, to help the unwitting among us.

47. But by 200 al Qaeda financed itself by raising money from "witting and unwitting donors, mosques and sympathetic imams, and nongovernment organizations such as charities, " says the report.

48. The theme of the book is Brahminist wile behind bomb blasts across the country and the deft shifting of the blame on unwitting Muslims

49. 29 Law's latest work, Believing Bullshit, sets out a spotter's guide to the standard techniques of intellectual quackery, to help the unwitting among us.

50. 12 Can I disclaim the stereotype of Americans as living without the resonance of history, inhabiting the present with a childlike complacency, an unwitting, unreflecting arrogance?