unsavoury in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. nhạt nhẽo, vô vị, không ngon, tởm
2. ghê tởm

Sentence patterns related to "unsavoury"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unsavoury" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unsavoury", or refer to the context using the word "unsavoury" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The salad was unsavoury.

2. It's a really unsavoury area.

3. Her eyes wandered round the unsavoury room.

4. The club has an unsavoury reputation.

5. Her friends are all pretty unsavoury characters.

6. Is he still touting about those unsavoury opinions of his?

7. The sport has long been associated with illegal wagers and unsavoury characters.

8. Or perhaps he knew something unsavoury about Latimer's personal life.

9. There were a lot of unsavoury characters around the station.

10. I had been quite looking forward to sampling its unsavoury delights.

11. Study of these unsavoury personalities has been left to psychologists and historians.

12. These homes were like an unsavoury silo, places to store people rather than house them.

13. Too often the leadership's victories over the left have had an unsavoury, pyrrhic quality.

14. His colleagues told him he was an undisciplined, violent and thoroughly unsavoury character.

15. I've worked too damned hard just to let everything be ruined because of unsavoury gossip.

16. They feature an unsavoury brown splodge with a white kerchief around its upper region.

17. Staff seemed evenly divided - we received some smiles but also caught some rather unsavoury glances.

18. Whether they will be allowed to evict their unwelcome, unsavoury, tenants, from belfries and elsewhere, is another matter.

19. Contemporaries distrusted them in the belief that they brought an unsavoury speculative element to the market in stocks.

20. Such sums could prove attractive to all sorts of unsavoury characters, including those who might have money to launder.

21. 12 Such sums could prove attractive to all sorts of unsavoury characters, including those who might have money to launder.

22. The chain of unsavoury incidents in important matches was thus extended, deepening the sadness and resentment felt by cricket-lovers everywhere.

23. Two other chefs said the cheeses had a heavy shan wei (muttony odour), an ancient term used by southern Chinese to describe the slightly unsavoury tastes associated with the northern nomads.

24. Their soul Abhorreth] That is, their stomach loatheth it as unsavoury, though it be never so dainty: an appetite to our meat is an inconconceivable mercy, and, as we say, a sign of health.

25. Bemired by the unsavoury associations of huge, squalid public warehouses for the mad poor." (10) Although there had been a society and journal for its practitioners since the mid-nineteenth century, even by the 1920s there was very limited specialist training available in Britain.

26. Asphyxia is a fast paced thriller, full of unsavoury reality, deception, thrills, twists, warped eroticism and dark humour, that will leave you gasping for breath as you approach its climax! Asphyxiaphilia: An extremely dangerous sexual practice involving the restriction or control of oxygen to the brain through suffocation or strangulation