uno in Vietnamese

Danh từ
Viết tắt của United Nations Organization Tổ chức Liên hiệp quốc

Sentence patterns related to "uno"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uno" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uno", or refer to the context using the word "uno" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Prendo uno zabaione, Agitato non mescolato

2. If you are Brailling Uno Cards, you may want to use the following guidelines: Transcribing Uno Cards

3. Brailled Classic Uno Card Game Description

4. Y Matthei, uno de sus principales interlocutores.

5. Sumo a mis proyectos uno nuevo, Animatest

6. Got a fresh pack of Uno cards.

7. Got a fresh pack of Uno cards

8. "Son las eslovenas", suelta uno de ellos.

9. You know, of course, this is Via Uno shoes.

Tất nhiên các bạn biết đây là giầy Via Uno.

10. Mr Horwell described the Fiat Uno as "clapped-out".

11. , Susurra Sukhbaatar, quien conoce a uno de los intrusos.

12. "La gente parece escuchar mejor cuando uno es productivo", dice Whitehead.

13. Ambos, ambas significa 'los dos' o, incluso, 'uno y otro'

14. He is the numero uno player on the baseball team.

15. And numero uno recording artist, telenovela star and romance novelist.

Và nghệ sĩ thu âm, ngôi sao truyền hình và tiểu thuyết gia lãng mạn.

16. Cuando se compacta un producto, uno genera mucha menos basura.

17. El ministro de Hacienda, Juan Carlos Echeverry, es uno de ellos.

18. On the walk home, I named them Uno, Bruno, and Devo.

19. Uno no tiene que formar parte del coro dominical para entenderlo.

20. Este es por mucho, uno de mis medios de noticias favoritos.

21. The UNO has firmly distanced itself from the anti-government movement.

22. è uno dei siti più letti di cinema e serie TV

23. Aggressore Zo'dash è uno livello 50 - 60 NPCChe possono essere trovati in Oribos

24. Affright then hunts The Anarchist down after his showdown with Nigel Uno

25. The UNO has outrightly condemned the South African policy of Racial Discrimination

Chính phủ mới Nam Phi thực hiện chính sách phân biệt chủng tộc rất hà khắc.

26. In future OpenOffice implementations, "UNO (Universal Network Objects) is the interface-based component model."

27. Cada uno de estos Atomismos y su verdadera razón de ser

28. La marca multiusos #1 de Estados Unidos, todos los Condimentos latinos en uno.

29. They opened their own restaurant on the corner of Wabash and Ohio, Pizzeria Uno.

Họ mở nhà hàng riêng ở góc của Wabash và Ohio, Pizzeria Uno.

30. El abuelo le dio un Abrazo de oso a cada uno de sus nietos.

31. The minute it isn't fun anymore is clue numero uno it's time to disengage.

32. El Arroz blanco es como la tortilla, cada uno en casa lo prepara de una manera diferente

33. Free from grandly theatrical flourishes that were threatening to become things of creative captivity, Uno!

34. Aretes artesanales que hacen de cada uno de nuestros diseños una joya única

35. So far, although Pottz was now officially numero uno, he still hadn't actually won in Hawaii.

36. Los Abuelos son uno de los grandes pilares en la educación de sus nietos

37. 28 "Corn is C sugarcane is C " researcher Kevin Uno, a geologist at the University of Utah, told LiveScience.

38. • A pack of standard playing cards, or other cards, for example for playing "happy families" or "Uno"

39. "Corn is C sugarcane is C " researcher Kevin Uno, a geologist at the University of Utah, told LiveScience.

40. Pl. El uno y el otro, la una y la otra, los dos Ambos perros perdieron a sus amos

41. Why has a crucial witness, who drove the Fiat Uno which was hit by Diana's Mercedes, never been found?

42. Bueno, estamos todos en el mismo Baco, así que si uno tiene un problema, el problema es de todos.

43. Cada uno de los anillos que sirven para colgar o sujetar alguna cosa: Anillas de las cortinas; cuaderno de Anillas

44. "The only difficulty is the kids fighting over it," says Lynn Mahoney, of the Ziosk device at her local Uno Chicago Grill.

45. With all that bickering and Countermanding each other, Con todo lo que las disputas y derogando el uno al otro,

46. El uno y el otro; los dos: he probado el limón y el pomelo y me gustan Ambos

47. Porotos Aduki o Mung (a elección) • Cebolla morada (blanca puede ser), 3 unidades, depende el tamaño • Ajo, • Morrón rojo, uno • Morrón verde, uno • Apio, una ramita (optativo) • Tomate natural pelado, medio (optativo) • Zanahoria pequeña, media (optativo)

48. Bariatra en Puebla, especialista en Bypass Gástrico en Puebla uno de los mejores Bariatras de la ciudad, Hospital Angeles

49. The UNO Anthropology faculty are all active scholars who have engaged in research around the world - South America, the Caribbean, Europe

50. If you want to assemble an authentic Italian appetizer of prosciutto and melon, it'll cost you uno braccio e una gamba.