uninhabitable in Vietnamese

Tính từ
không thể ở được, không trú ngụ được, không cư trú được

Sentence patterns related to "uninhabitable"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uninhabitable" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uninhabitable", or refer to the context using the word "uninhabitable" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It is basically uninhabitable.

2. The building was totally uninhabitable.

3. Fifty homes were declared uninhabitable.

4. Beyond the Fringes lie the uninhabitable Badlands.

5. Growing ice shelves would make the shallows uninhabitable.

6. If there's no roof then the house is uninhabitable.

7. A nuclear accident would make the whole region uninhabitable.

8. Already previously damaged, the deaf centre was now made totally uninhabitable.

9. His cabin is uninhabitable in summer, let alone in winter.

10. Much of the country is uninhabitable because it is desert.

11. When it's over, the planet will be uninhabitable for generations.

Khi nó kết thúc, sẽ không ai có thể sống trên hành tinh này nữa.

12. Superfund tried to clean it up, but eventually declared the town uninhabitable.

13. Twenty of the houses damaged by the storm were declared uninhabitable.

14. Many areas of the Pacific Ocean may become uninhabitable [ within decades ].

15. Earth has become uninhabitable and the surviving humans are fleeing to Mars.

16. This and other coastlines will become uninhabitable because of storms from the sea.

17. A large area around Chernobyl was evacuated and is uninhabitable for thousands of years

18. The Boonies definition: wild, desolate , or uninhabitable country Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

19. Bardo is an extraterrestrial planet that became uninhabitable, leaving it without a breathable atmosphere

20. All over Bosnia, dwellings are burnt out, uninhabitable, or simply not there any more.

21. The first four all became buried by snow accumulation and crushed until they were uninhabitable.

22. Many houses were so badly damaged in the war that they were made permanently uninhabitable.

23. In low - lying areas where neighborhoods were almost completely submerged, thousands of houses remain uninhabitable.

24. After the ceasefire, some parts of Southern Lebanon remained uninhabitable due to Israeli unexploded cluster bomblets.

Sau khi ngừng bắn, một số khu vực của miền Nam Liban vẫn không thể ở được do bom bi của Israel chưa phát nổ.

25. Large areas would be uninhabitable without heating in the winter or air conditioning in the summer.

26. At that point, the Earth's atmosphere and water will be boiled away, leaving the planet uninhabitable.

27. Each home has had to be inspected by an official to check that it is uninhabitable.

28. Many scientists have warned that if man continues to pollute the earth, it will become uninhabitable.

Nhiều nhà khoa học đã cảnh báo rằng nếu con người tiếp tục gây ô nhiễm thì trái đất sẽ trở thành chỗ không thể ở được nữa.

29. In low - lying areas where entire neighborhoods were almost completely submerged, thousands of houses remain uninhabitable.

30. But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.

31. As parts of the world become uninhabitable, millions of people will try to migrate to more hospitable areas.

32. Britain ended the war with 4000 houses either destroyed, or so badly damaged that they were made permanently uninhabitable.

33. 21 But fiery activism or evasive quiescence are the poles of choice and the poles are notoriously uninhabitable.

34. A total of 500 council houses have been declared uninhabitable and it will cost £2m to deal with them.

35. It came to nothing, the police moved in, evicted the squatters, and the Bell/Genesis Hall was rendered uninhabitable.

36. Geological evidence suggests that the high terraces of the corridor were likely uninhabitable in contrast to the alluvial fans (Levson 1990).

37. In the past he would often get into fights with Yomo and this caused the 4th ward to become uninhabitable.

Trong quá khứ, anh thường xuyên chiến đấu với Yomo biến Quận 4 thành bãi chiến trường không thể ở được.

38. A simple piece of historical reflection will show that industrialization rendered many localities virtually uninhabitable as long as two hundred years ago.

39. “If we were a little nearer or farther from the Sun,” Gonzalez says, “the Earth would be too hot or too cold and so uninhabitable.”

Theo lời Gonzalez, “nếu chúng ta gần hoặc xa mặt trời hơn một chút, thì trái đất sẽ quá nóng hoặc quá lạnh, và như thế không thể sống được”.

40. Many Chilean cities sustained significant damage, including Puerto Montt, where noticeable subsidence occurred, and Valdivia, where nearly half of the buildings were rendered uninhabitable

41. 22 The sun is slowly expanding and brightening, and over the next few billion years it will eventually desiccate Earth, leaving it hot, brown and uninhabitable .

42. The sun is slowly expanding and brightening, and over the next few billion years it will eventually desiccate Earth, leaving it hot, brown and uninhabitable .

43. Isle Verde, where approximately 2,300 people were killed, was declared uninhabitable by officials; however, residents still returned to the area due to a need for land.

Isle Verde, nơi đã có xấp xỉ 2.300 người thiệt mạng, được chính phủ tuyên bố là địa điểm không thể cư trú.

44. Despite being considered the most destructive force in space and absolutely uninhabitable, the conditions for life exist inside supermassive black holes, a Russian cosmologist has theorised.

45. The legal term Constructive eviction refers to a landlord’s action – or failure to take action – that makes the premises uninhabitable, or which robs the tenant of the use and enjoyment of the premises

46. The story follows a young woman who, after a car crash, wakes up in an underground bunker with two men who insist that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable.

Bộ phim kể về một phụ nữ trẻ, sau một tai nạn xe hơi, thức dậy trong một hầm ngầm với hai người đàn ông khẳng định rằng một thảm họa đã xảy ra và làm bề mặt trái đất không thể ở được.

47. ‘The appellant Asserts that the building was uninhabitable when he moved in, and that to return it to that state would be a retrograde step.’ ‘The coal industry should be privately funding these studies, the consumer group Asserts.’

48. ‘The appellant Asserts that the building was uninhabitable when he moved in, and that to return it to that state would be a retrograde step.’ ‘The coal industry should be privately funding these studies, the consumer group Asserts.’