unhygienic in Vietnamese

Tính từ
mất vệ sinh; hại sức khỏe

Sentence patterns related to "unhygienic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unhygienic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unhygienic", or refer to the context using the word "unhygienic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Such unhygienic practices spread disease.

2. Any paint solvents, anything unhygienic?

Dung môi sơn, hay thứ gì đó hại sức khỏe?

3. Unhygienic food will cause illness.

4. Any paint solvents ,(Sentencedict.com) anything unhygienic?

5. We even use pipettes: so unhygienic.

6. Such unhygienic conditions encourage the spread of disease.

7. Pathetic dogs kept in small unhygienic cages.

8. Unhygienic hands are a way of transmitting infection.

9. But this is an old fashioned and potentially unhygienic method.

10. The animals were kept in cramped and unhygienic conditions.

11. It is unhygienic not to wash your hands before eating.

12. Trains and telephones broke down, cities and highways were grubby and unhygienic.

13. 8 But this is an old fashioned and potentially unhygienic method.

14. Then I immediately asked her, why are you [ using ] that unhygienic method?

Tôi ngay lập tức hỏi cô ấy rằng, tại sao em lại [ sử dụng ] phương pháp mất vệ sinh như vậy?

15. Conversely, conditions in deaf institutions and asylums were often grim and unhygienic.

16. Hospital cleaners were criticized for the unhygienic conditions of the central kitchens.

17. Then I immediately asked her, why are you [using] that unhygienic method?

Tôi ngay lập tức hỏi cô ấy rằng, tại sao em lại [sử dụng] phương pháp mất vệ sinh như vậy?

18. Then I understood this -- adapting that unhygienic method to manage her period days.

Sau đó tôi hiểu ra rằng - vợ mình dùng phương pháp mất vệ sinh đó để xoay sở trong những ngày hành kinh.

19. With respect to unhygienic conditions, cells are too often soiled by their inmates.

20. Such an unhygienic girl ! Crawling with bugs ! Of course nobody wants to sleep next to her.

21. There were whole families who were infected, and transmission of the disease was facilitated by unhygienic conditions.

22. But I have seen them hugging and sucking the manky , unhygienic plastic junk that all children have.

23. Not only was this unhygienic but it was most uncomfortable for me, being in close proximity to him.

24. The thick coatings of grease which can accumulate on such equipment constitute a fire risk as well as being unhygienic.

25. For the transported, harsh and unhygienic conditions on the slaving ships and poor diets meant that the average mortality rate during the Middle Passage was one in seven.

Các điều kiện khắc nghiệt và mất vệ sinh trên tàu chở nô lệ và chế độ ăn uống nghèo nàn dẫn đến tỷ lệ tử vong trong vận chuyển Phi-Mỹ trung bình là một phần bảy.

26. For example, instead of admitting that careless surgeons and unhygienic conditions were responsible for the damage done, many believe that bewitchment or the displeasure of dead ancestors is the cause of these tragedies.

Thí dụ, thay vì nhìn nhận hậu quả bi thảm xảy ra là do sự sơ ý hoặc cẩu thả của người giải phẫu và tình trạng thiếu vệ sinh, nhiều người tin rằng nguyên nhân của điều đó là do người cắt bì bị ếm hoặc bị tổ tiên tức giận trừng phạt.

27. If hygienic/ unhygienic behavior is a single gene you would expect two Behaviored phenotypes But 4 phenotypes classes were found in 29 crosses 9/29- uncapped but did not remove 6/29- removed but only if someone uncapped 8/29 no uncapping no removal even if uncapped