unguarded in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. không được giữ gìn, không được bảo vệ, không phòng thủ
2. vô ý, không chú ý
3. không đề phòng, không cảnh giác, khinh suất
4. không thận trọng, không giữ gì

Sentence patterns related to "unguarded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unguarded" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unguarded", or refer to the context using the word "unguarded" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The prisoner was left unguarded.

2. Assailable: as in undefended, unguarded

3. Here I stand unarmed, unguarded.

Và ta đứng đây, tay không tấc sắt, không ai bảo vệ.

4. This is an open, unguarded crossing.

Đây là một lối chơi mở và bất định.

5. While Sita is unguarded, I'll grab her!

Trong khi Sita mất cảnh giác, ta sẽ cướp nàng!

6. The museum was unguarded at night.

7. You caught him at an unguarded moment.

8. They could not leave the city unguarded.

9. Don't on any account leave the prisoner unguarded.

10. In an unguarded moment, he admitted taking the file.

11. At no time can the entrance be left unguarded.

12. I should not leave my briefcase and camera bag unguarded.

13. The photographers managed to capture Jane in an unguarded moment.

14. It was something I'd let out in an unguarded moment.

15. Had his anti-female attitude been weakened during an unguarded moment?

16. In an unguarded moment, I said that I didn't trust Carlo.

17. You shouldn't leave your bag unguarded in a pub like that.

18. Because George Seifert has unguarded moments, more often than not solitary ones.

19. I pondered the connection between my dream and my chum's unguarded nap.

20. What Lord Denning's Spectator interview in his dotage had revealed was unguarded language.

21. In an unguarded moment, he admitted that he wanted to quit his job.

22. Calumny , even from the mouth of a fool, will sometimes cut into unguarded feelings.

23. He wondered if the psychiatrist was trying to goad him into some unguarded response.

24. Antonyms for Bulwarked include exposed, unsupported, open, unguarded, unprotected, bare, uncovered, out, visible and showing

25. Antonyms for Buttressed include exposed, unsupported, open, unguarded, unprotected, unreinforced, bare, uncovered, out and visible

26. Knowing that an unguarded tongue can cause much harm, a discerning person is “faithful in spirit.”

Biết rằng ăn nói không dè dặt có thể gây tai hại lớn, một người khôn sáng sẽ có “lòng trung-tín”.

27. The only human explanation was that one of us had said something in an unguarded moment.

28. Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own thoughts, unguarded. Buddha 

29. There was no way he could allow Boris to wander round unguarded with plates of zakuski.

30. Over the years, 100,000 tons of radioactive waste had been dumped in an unguarded, open-air site.

31. For one aching, unguarded moment she wished she were back in his arms, nestled against his hard body.

32. As he stepped to one side, Christina had a clear view of Stephen's face in an unguarded moment.

33. Well, if Isabel had any ideas of playing on that one unguarded remark she could think again, he vowed grimly.

34. He is almost as unguarded and hungry as she is, and his partnering is so musical it allows her to fly.

35. The young man was killed after becoming entangled in the unguarded rotors of a power harrow while attempting to remove a stone.

36. If you were aware of the very great disadvantage to us all, which has already arisen from Lydia's unguarded and imprudent manner, you'd judge differently.

Nếu bố biết về những bất lợi nặng nề cho tất cả chúng ta khi thiên hạ đã để ý đến tư cách thiếu ý tứ và khinh suất của Lydia con nghĩ bố sẽ xét vụ việc theo cách khác.

37. In 1842, a year after the British took possession of Hong Kong Island, officers from the British Army who surveyed the area discovered that the fort was left unguarded.

Năm 1842, một năm sau khi đế quốc Anh xâm chiếm đảo Hồng Kông, các sĩ quan của quân đội Anh đã khảo sát vùng đất này và phát hiện ra pháo đài bị bỏ hoang không người gác.

38. He crept down the hill toward the quiet roadhouse, hands trembling, forming wild plans of stealing a meat pie from an unguarded windowsill , or slipping in a back door to pillage the kitchen.