unfaithfulness in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. tính không trung thành, tính phản bội
2. tính không trung thực, tính sai sự thật

Sentence patterns related to "unfaithfulness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unfaithfulness" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unfaithfulness", or refer to the context using the word "unfaithfulness" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. More Consequences of Unfaithfulness

Thêm nhiều hậu quả của sự bất trung

2. Their acts of unfaithfulness are numerous.

Hành vi bất trung thì không kể xiết.

3. He blazed with anger for his wife's unfaithfulness.

4. (b) How did Jesus illustrate the consequences of unfaithfulness?

(b) Chúa Giê-su dùng những minh họa nào để cho thấy hậu quả của sự bất trung?

5. 5 Why is this people, Jerusalem, unfaithful with an enduring unfaithfulness?

5 Sao dân Giê-ru-sa-lem này bất trung trong sự bất trung cố hữu?

6. I am catching evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife.

7. Abandoned by Jehovah for unfaithfulness, Jehoram faced internal and external troubles.

8. Hosea 14:4-7 says: “I [Jehovah] shall heal their unfaithfulness.

Ô-sê 14:4-7 nói: “Ta [Đức Giê-hô-va] sẽ chữa lành sự bội-nghịch của chúng nó.

9. Can you still get your divorce on such puny, immediately regretted unfaithfulness?

10. She never spoke of his unfaithfulness, never blamed him for his misconduct.

11. He is faithful for forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unfaithfulness.

12. This unfaithfulness is how Filipina girls are branded as whores by American women.

13. The discovery of unfaithfulness is followed by anger and recriminations, anguish and uncertainty.

14. What encouragement does Jehovah supply for those who desire to serve him despite widespread unfaithfulness?

Bất chấp sự bất trung đầy dẫy chung quanh, những người muốn phụng sự Đức Giê-hô-va được Ngài cung cấp sự khích lệ nào?

15. Jehovah is jealous for his name, tolerating no rivalry or unfaithfulness in matters of worship.

16. adulterous: Refers to spiritual adultery, or unfaithfulness to God. —See study note on Mr 8: 38.

17. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and commits adultery.

18. On the personal level, we cannot be grateful for the loss of a friend, for unfaithfulness, for bereavement.

Trên mức độ cá nhân, chúng ta không thể biết ơn vì đã mất đi một người bạn, vì sự phản bội, vì nỗi đau mất mát người thân.

19. Of course, it would be far better if marital unfaithfulness and its tragic consequences could be avoided in the first place.

Dĩ nhiên, nếu có thể tránh được việc ngoại tình và hậu quả thảm thương của nó ngay từ đầu thì tốt hơn nhiều.

20. She saw the pale flame she had lit in him burn tall and steady, a miracle of faithfulness out of unfaithfulness.

21. But, by her own admission, in many instances her work as a medium resulted in divided families and unfaithfulness.

22. This almost precipitated civil war, as the other tribes regarded this as an act of unfaithfulness and rebellion.

23. The sad result of Solomon’s unfaithfulness in his old age should motivate us to love righteousness and hate lawlessness

Hậu quả đáng buồn của sự bất trung của Sa-lô-môn trong tuổi giả nên thúc đẩy chúng ta yêu mến sự công bình và ghét sự gian ác

24. + I will bring him to Babylon and enter into judgment with him there because of the unfaithfulness he committed against me.

+ Rồi ta sẽ mang nó sang Ba-by-lôn để kiện cáo vì nó bất trung với ta.

25. She saw the pale flame she had lit in him burn tall and steady[Sentencedict], a miracle of faithfulness out of unfaithfulness.

26. However, on account of unfaithfulness, the Israelites were often in an inferior position and were forced to pay tribute to others.

27. + 26 After they have been humiliated for all their unfaithfulness toward me,+ they will dwell securely on their land, with no one to make them afraid.

28. The unfaithfulness of Samuel’s sons, coupled with the threat of warfare with the Ammonites, prompted the older men of Israel to request that Samuel appoint a king over them.

29. Apostasy noun desertion, defection, treachery, heresy, disloyalty, backsliding, perfidy, unfaithfulness, falseness, faithlessness, recreance or recreancy (archaic) a charge of Apostasy Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

30. In addition to giving the four discourses, Moses discusses the change of leadership and teaches the Israelites a beautiful song that praises Jehovah and warns of the woes resulting from unfaithfulness.

Ngoài bốn lời giảng, Môi-se còn bàn về sự thay đổi quyền lãnh đạo và dạy cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên một bài hát đầy xúc động để ca ngợi Đức Giê-hô-va và cảnh báo về hậu quả đau buồn của sự bất trung.

31. Whether it is the scandalous affairs that have rocked royalty, politicians, film stars, and religious leaders or the betrayal and tears in our own families, marital unfaithfulness continues to take a tragic toll.

Dù đó là những vụ ngoại tình nhơ nhuốc làm rung chuyển các giới hoàng gia, chính trị gia, minh tinh màn ảnh và lãnh đạo tôn giáo, hoặc đó là sự bội bạc và nước mắt tuôn rơi trong chính gia đình chúng ta, thì sự không chung thủy trong hôn nhân vẫn tiếp tục gây nên đau đớn thảm thương.

32. When Othello says, falsely believing in Desdemona's unfaithfulness, "My name, that was as fresh / As Dian's visage, is now Begrimed and black / As mine own face" (3.3.391-93), blackness is not simply considered as a corporeal feature, but an internalized subjectivity open to contamination

33. 28:4-8; 31:3, 4) Regarding Israel’s disobedient first king, the Scriptures state: “Saul died for his unfaithfulness with which he had acted faithlessly against Jehovah concerning the word of Jehovah that he had not kept and also for asking of a spirit medium to make inquiry.