under-the-table in Vietnamese

Tính từ
bí mật; phi pháp

Sentence patterns related to "under-the-table"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "under-the-table" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "under-the-table", or refer to the context using the word "under-the-table" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. There's something under the table.

2. Procedure aboveboard, results... under the table.

3. The dog cowered under the table.

4. Their hands met under the table.

5. The coin rolled under the table.

6. Ruth's toes curled under the table.

7. The potato rolled under the table.

8. The cat was under the table.

9. Under the table, at half price.

Bán lậu, nửa giá.

10. The cat is asleep under the table.

11. He stooped to look under the table.

12. Procedure above board, results... under the table.

13. She stretched her legs under the table.

14. They bent double crouching under the table.

15. Sweep up the crumbs from under the table.

16. There is a soccer ball under the table.

17. You crawled under the table next to me.

Em bò dưới gầm bàn đến chỗ chị.

18. He could drink nearly anyone under the table.

19. Under the table his feet jig on their soles.

20. And so, here he is sitting under the table.

Và như vậy, anh ta đây đang ngồi dưới gầm bàn.

21. Is it possible he kept things under the table?

Có khả năng ông ấy giữ mấy thứ đó ngoài bàn làm việc không?

22. Payments were made under the table to local officials.

23. Andrea suddenly ducked under the table to avoid Heather.

24. They laughed so hard they slid under the table.

25. He folded his long legs to fit under the table.

26. She kicked Anne under the table to shut her up.

27. The way you're pressing your thighs together under the table.

Em đang khép chặt hai đùi dưới bàn.

28. Put a book under the table to keep it stable.

29. They've been dealing under the table, I'm gonna stop them

Chúng đã chơi bẩn, và anh sẽ ngăn chúng lại.

30. And this is exactly what we've been seeing with teenagers and kids doing it in school, under the table, and texting under the table to their friends.

Đó chính xác là chuyện chúng ta đã thấy diễn ra giữa các học sinh lén lút nhắn tin cho bạn dưới gầm bàn.

31. They gazed at each other, their legs entwined under the table.

32. We took our bottles of water and hid under the table . "

Chúng tôi chụp lấy mấy chai nước rồi núp xuống dưới gầm bàn . "

33. 21 He was lying under the table in a drunken stupor.

34. They offered him money under the table to change his mind.

35. He dropped down onto the floor and hid under the table.

36. 'He's nice,' said Laura[http://Sentencedict.com], crossing her fingers under the table.

37. Its’ low profile allows Benchlet to be stowed completely under the table

38. Ruth's hand sought Martin's Beseechingly under the table, but his blood was up

39. Souldia, Kiso, Autodidacts & Claude Bégin) Sozi Under the Table (feat

40. Ruth's hand sought Martin's beseechingly under the table, but his blood was up.

41. While he was looking under the table, his helmet began to slide off.

Trong khi y đang tìm dưới gầm bàn thì cái mũ sắt của y bắt đầu tuột khỏi mặt bàn.

42. The farmer's dog has been gnawing away on a bone under the table.

43. Examples of Booted in a Sentence She shoved her Booted feet under the table

44. Now I like a few beers but Lucy can drink me under the table.

45. The child remained under the table in a temper until his father came home.

46. I saw him huddling himself up under the table when I went into the room.

47. He looks under the table and sees a bare toe rubbing the toe of his sneaker.

48. They offered me 500 pounds under the table if I would vote against the government's plans.

49. There's another one under the table that'll repel or attract, depending on how you shift it.

Và có một cái khác nữa ở dưới gầm bàn nó sẽ đẩy ra hay hút vào tùy theo cách mà anh nâng nó.

50. He claims he's a big drinker, but even his daughter could drink him under the table.