tractus spinothalamicus lateralis in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "tractus spinothalamicus lateralis"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tractus spinothalamicus lateralis" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tractus spinothalamicus lateralis", or refer to the context using the word "tractus spinothalamicus lateralis" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Carpet Chameleon (Fucifer lateralis) SCIENTIFIC NAME: Furcifer lateralis DESCRIPTION: We have a handful of beautiful carpet Chameleons for sale

2. Lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity - Processus lateralis tuberis Calcanei Anatomical Parts

3. Ok, now, look at the contraction of the orbicularis oculi pars lateralis.

4. The knuckle consists of the rectus femoris, vastus medialis, intermedius, and lateralis.

5. Synonym(s): musculus rectus lateralis (bulbi) [TA], Abducens oculi, musculus rectus externus Farlex Partner Medical

6. It consists of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius and vastus medialis.

7. AIM: To investigate the role of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) in the treatment of gastric stress ulcer by electroacupuncturing (EA) Zusanli point.

8. Objective To explore the role of nucleus tractus solitarious (NTS)in protective effect of electroacupuncture(EA) against stress gastric mucosal lesion in rats.

9. 9 Conclnsion: The cisterna longitudinal cerebrum and cisterna fossae lateralis cerebri was increasing after 50 years old.

10. Bilateral comes from Latin: bi means "two" and lateralis means "belonging to the side."

11. The knuckle consists of the M. rectus femoris, M. vastus medialis, M. vastus intermedius, and M. vastus lateralis.

12. Leg Tip Roast - Roast portion of the Leg tip, consisting of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis

13. The quadriceps is made up of four muscles: the rectus femoris, the vastus medialis, the vastus intermedius and the vastus lateralis.

14. The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, together with the nucleus tractus solitarius, may thus represent the site of the antihypertensive action of the drug clonidine, an alpha2-adrenoreceptor agonist.

15. In the lamina, the accessory medulla, the pons cerebralis, the tuberculum opticum, the tractus olfactorio-globularis, the pedunculus including its glomerular region, and the globuli-cells, no catecholamines are detectable.

16. Kanthos, angle] The angle at either end of the slit between the eyelids; the lateral Canthus (commissura palpebrarum lateralis) and the medial Canthus (commissura palpebrarum medialis).

17. Nevertheless, we find a ramus lateralis accessorius, which resembles that of Gadidae with regard to the pattern of course and the morphological relationships to the fins.

18. A Cadence of about 80 rpm also appeared to be the sweet spot where their vastus lateralis—one of the primary cycling quadriceps muscles—produced maximum power without wasting energy, making it

19. Radix Astragali Mongolici (460 g), Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge (230 g), Flos Lonicerae (160 g), Scrophularia (160 g), Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (140 g), and Radix Glycyrrhizae (90 g) were purchased from Beijing TongRen-Tang Chinese Medicine Co.

20. If all sensory pathways, going from the tail to the brain, are eliminated, except Ramus lateralis accessorius VII, which innervates the terminal buds at the trunk and tail, the animal shows still the described reactions. But when the R. lat. acc.

21. Apertness apertognathia (current term) apertometer apertura apertura externa aqueductus vestibuli apertura externa canaliculi cochleae: apertura lateralis ventriculi quarti apertura mediana ventriculi quarti apertura piriformis apertura sinus frontalis apertura sinus sphenoidalis apertura thoracis inferior apertura thoracis superior

22. In addition, Radix Aconiti lateralis Preparata contains very small amounts of the aconitum alkaloids, such as Aconitine, mesAconitine, and hypAconitine, which are highly toxic but can be hydrolyzed to the more active but less toxic alkaloids, including benzoylaconine, benzoylmesaconine, and benzoylhypaconine that have significant anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities (Suzuki et al

23. Tuber Calcanei: Tuberozitatea calcaneană: Calcaneal tuberosity: Tubérosité du calcanéum A02.5.11.003: Processus medialis tuberis Calcanei: Procesul medial al tuberozității calcaneene: Medial process: Processus médial de la tubérosité calcanéenne, Tubérosité interne du calcanéum A02.5.11.004: Processus lateralis tuberis Calcanei

24. ‘What you are feeling is the Condyle of the lower jaw.’ ‘Stability of the knee depends on the shape of the Condyles and menisci in combination with ligamentous and muscular structures.’ ‘Some of the tendinous fibers of vastus lateralis and vastus medialis run on each side of the patella to the tibial Condyles.’

25. The measurements of the cranial bones of 138 human fetuses (ala parva, ala magna, corpus ossis sphenoidalis, pars petrosa et mastoidea, pars basilaris, pars lateralis ossis occipitalis) originating from stillborn fetuses or new-born infants who died a few hours after birth were determined. The length of the fetuses varied between 9 and 55 cm. There were 71 male and 67 female fetuses. The regression equation, the correlation coefficients (r) as well as the significant (S) of the correlation coefficients concerning the cranial measurements to the body length were determined.