thought in Vietnamese

Động từ
thời quá khứ & động Tính từ quá khứ của think

Danh từ
1. sự suy nghĩ, sự ngẫm nghĩ, sự nghĩ ngợi, sự trầm tư
2. ý nghĩ, tư tưởng
3. ý, ý kiến, ý định, ý muốn
4. sự lo lắng, sự bận tâm, sự quan tâm
5. một tí, một chút

Sentence patterns related to "thought"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "thought" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "thought", or refer to the context using the word "thought" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Concrete operational thought is reversible thought.

2. Chapter five analyses currency thought and water conservancy thought.

3. Action is Coarsened thought; thought becomes concrete, obscure, and unconscious.

4. I thought of Nick, and I thought of his resilience.

Nghĩ về Nick và về sự kiên cường của cậu ấy.

5. Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous.

6. Such a thought finds a corroboration in religious experience and thought.

7. I thought she was still alive, thought I could save her.

8. Contextualise: Structured Thought.

9. Thought you might.

Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy.


11. He thought hard.

Ông cố tâm nghĩ lại, vì cũng đã gần 80 năm rồi

12. I immediately thought.

Ta lập tức bái kiến.

13. Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous. 

14. Liberated a thought, renewed an idea, widened horizon, edified train of thought.

15. 19 Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous. 

16. you are first thought in the morning ang my last thought at night

em là ý nghĩ đầu tiên của anh vào buổi sáng và là ý nghĩ sau cùng của anh trước khi đi ngủ!

17. I thought about getting a full bouquet, but I thought that was weird.

Anh đã nghĩ mình nên mang theo cả bó hoa nhưng sau đó lại thấy kì cục quá

18. Girls generally thought this yucky, but some boys thought it was pretty neat.

19. Or so I thought.

Khi " cơn bão thức ăn " ập đến

20. “Vain thought Conceivest thou

21. Attractableness Incoming scary thought

22. That's a frightening thought.

23. It's a depressing thought.

24. That's what I thought.

Đó là điều tôi phải bận tâm

25. Hadn't thought of that.

Chưa từng nghĩ đến điều đó.

26. A crackpot, Graham thought.

27. I thought you were.

Tôi ngỡ tay cự phách phải là anh chứ Penn?

28. He abhorred the thought.

29. It's thought and feeling.

Nó là suy nghĩ và cảm xúc.

30. Banausic thought is any thought directed toward a particular practical outcome, any thought that isn’t wholly disinterested and detached from the mortal world, period

31. The rule thought of Oin Dynasty is a kind of eclectic thought. It makes use of theology thought of the religion to deify and rule.

32. “Calamities” is a thought-provoker.

33. Thought visiting hours were over.

Tưởng hết giờ thăm rồi chứ.

34. I thought it was pithy.

Tôi tưởng nó súc tích đấy chứ.

35. I've just had a thought .

36. I thought she was fantastic.

37. Thought they were an extravagance.

Thấy nó rất là hoang phí.

38. I thought we should meet.

Tôi nghĩ chúng ta nên gặp nhau.

39. Or “give careful thought to.”

Động từ Hê-bơ-rơ ở dạng yêu cầu lịch sự.

40. I thought I'd drop dead.

Em tưởng mình chết bất đắc kì tử luôn.

41. She thought my mirth improper.

42. I thought I would swoon.

43. She thought his sketch detestable.

44. Nature was bountiful, she thought.

45. What a wimp, I thought.

46. First glance, I thought dermatitis.

47. So, you thought of everything?

Vậy là cô đã dự trù mọi thứ?

48. I thought you did birth.

Tôi đoán cô làm nữ hộ sinh.

49. Thought your coach got arrested.

Chị tưởng HLV của bọn em bị gông cổ rồi.

50. I thought you were upstairs.

Tôi nghĩ là cô đã lên gác.