they in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. chúng nó, chúng, họ
2. người ta

Sentence patterns related to "they"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "they" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "they", or refer to the context using the word "they" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. They stared, they watched, they were simian.

2. They drink the water they know is dirty, they get cholera, they get diarrhea, they get jaundice and they die.

Họ uống nước mà họ biết là bẩn, họ mắc bệnh tả, tiêu chảy, bệnh vàng da và họ chết.

3. They strangle, they aspirate their vomit, they suffocate, they have a heart attack.

Họ siết cổ, họ nôn mửa, họ nghẹt thở, họ đau tim.

4. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty, they were downright rude.

5. They share, they give, they give away for free.

Họ chia sẻ, họ phó ra, họ đem biếu không.

6. They got cameras,-- they got timers, they got vaults

7. They were belligerent, they were bellicose, they were snotty,( they were downright rude.

8. They drive cars, they run computers, they attend the activities of their children, they cook and sew, they teach classes, and they speak in church.

9. They rob us, they infringe our rights, they kill us.

10. They clap; they yell; they give her a standing ovation.

11. When they Blipped back, they returned as the same age they were when they disintegrated

12. They were caught, they confessed, they got the death penalty.

Họ đã bị bắt, họ thú nhận, họ đã nhận hình phạt.

13. They feel that they belong together, so they stick together.

14. They didn't hurtyou, did they?

Bọn chúng không làm hại em chứ?

15. They infiltrate, they get close.

Chúng tiếp cận, chúng lấy lòng.

16. They need toothpicks, don't they?

A, chúng cũng cần tăm xỉa răng mà, phải không?

17. When they stop, they argue.

Khi bị trách cứ, Đổng Trác cãi lại.

18. They slither while they pass.

19. They think they are: Contending

20. They listened, though, and afterward they were glad that they did.

21. First they bomb as much as they please, then they film

Thả bom tá lả, giờ tới quay phim

22. 18 They do use an abacus when they count, do they?

23. If they do not, they cannot complain if they incur liability.

24. They understand that they lived yesterday and they will live tomorrow.

Chúng hiểu rằng chúng đã sống ngày hôm qua và sẽ tồn tại đến ngày mai.

25. They could stay if they so chose or they could abscond.

26. Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

Thời của Lót cũng vậy: Người ta lo ăn uống, mua bán, trồng trọt và xây cất.

27. They pine for love, they live for love, they kill for love, and they die for love.

Họ mòn mỏi héo hon vì tình yêu, họ sống vì tình yêu, họ giết người vì tình, và chết vì tình.

28. They've got these little hooks, they grab onto your bowel, they live, they grow up, they reproduce.

Chúng có những cái móc nho nhỏ... nảy nở.

29. But they watch enough TV so they know they have to weep after they use their weapons.

Nhưng họ xem TV nhiều đến nỗi phải khóc lóc nỉ non sau mỗi lần dùng súng.

30. They have nightmares, they startle easily.

31. + 28 Likewise, just as it occurred in the days of Lot:+ they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.

+ 28 Thời của Lót cũng vậy:+ Người ta lo ăn uống, mua bán, trồng trọt và xây cất.

32. They knew not whither they went.

33. They still have those, do they?

Cô vẫn phải làm thôi, đồng ý chứ?

34. They were radiant when they returned.

35. They want to capture some of that richness they felt they missed.”

Họ muốn thu thập một phần của sự phong phú ấy mà họ cảm thấy thiếu”.

36. 28 They mistake their man if they think they can frighten him.

37. They say they will kill Abul.

38. They pretended that they were tourists.

39. They lost because they played sloppily.

40. They thought it was a joke but when they saw that they really meant it they were aghast .

41. They had lobster tail, they had crab legs, like, shrimp. They had...

Họ có đuôi tôm hùm, càng cua, tôm he.

42. They protested, they complained, they argued, but it was to no avail.

Chúng phản đối, chúng phàn nàn, chúng cãi lẽ, nhưng cũng vô ích.

43. They nipped and bit . They clawed and gashed. They chewed and tugged.

44. They came, they Canyoned, they loved it! Some comments from our clients

45. They remember the energy and enthusiasm they had when they were young.

Họ nhớ đến năng lực và bầu nhiệt huyết mà họ có khi còn trẻ.

46. They want progress; they want peace; they want stability; because they realize that South Asia is lagging behind.

47. They will implement Crossbreeding until they get to a point where they

48. When they reap what they have sown, they cry out, “Why me?”

Khi họ gặt những gì mình gieo, họ gào lên: “Tại sao tôi lại bị chứ?”

49. They are fascinating and frightening; they arouse anger and they are defiant.

50. They said that they would fight without restraint for what they wanted.