teutonic in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(thuộc) các dân tộc Giéc-manh (tức là Ăng-lô Xắc-xông, Hà lan, Đức và Bắc Âu)
(thuộc) ngôn ngữ các dân tộc Giéc-manh
điển hình cho người Giéc-manh, tiêu biểu cho người Giéc-manh, có những phẩm chất của người Giéc-manh

Sentence patterns related to "teutonic"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "teutonic" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "teutonic", or refer to the context using the word "teutonic" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Teutonic Order of Saint Marys Hospital in Jerusalem - Teutonic Order - Deutscher Orden, would like to invite individuals of good standing to petition for International Membership of the Teutonic Order and to help establish New International Bailiwicks and Commanderies of the Teutonic Order.

2. The Ancient Bailiwicks of the Teutonic Order

3. 9 The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.

4. 1 The barmaid was operatic: Teutonic hair; lipstick rondo.

5. While under the control of the Teutonic Order German migration increased.

Khi ở dưới quyền kiểm soát của Hiệp sĩ Teuton số người Đức nhập cư đã tăng lên.

6. The Treaty of Kalisz of 1343 ended open war between the Teutonic Knights and Poland.

Hiệp ước Kalisz vào năm 1343 chấm dứt cuộc chiến giữa các hiệp sĩ Teuton và Ba Lan.

7. Macr- zikkurats Bepastured extra-university half-earnestly Pro-teutonic corrigibility whigs misaccused woodcraf breakthroughs benzalhydrazine

8. Restaurant Akko owes its name to the founders of the Alden Biesen realm, namely, the Teutonic Order

9. In Aryan culture, these gods are exemplified by the Greek Olympians and the Teutonic Aesir, among others

10. The similarities between Celtic and Teutonic deities are, however, such as to make their cults often indistinguishable.

11. All of the Teutonic Knights' possessions were subordinate to the Grand Master, whose seat was in Bad Mergentheim.

Tất cả lãnh địa của các hiệp sĩ đều phụ thuộc vào thống lĩnh ở Bad Mergentheim.

12. A small castle was built in the area as a part of the defence system against the Teutonic Order.

Một lâu đài nhỏ được xây dựng trong khu vực như là một phần của hệ thống phòng thủ chống lại Hội Teutonic.

13. Allenstein (Olsztyn in Polish) is a city - county that was originally established by the monastic Teutonic Knights in the 14th Century

14. He continued to enjoy war games, pretending to lay siege to the castle Veldenstein and studying Teutonic legends and sagas.

Göring tiếp tục thưởng thức các trò chơi chiến tranh, giả bố trí bao vây lâu đài Veldenstein và tìm hiểu các truyền thuyết và saga về người Teuton.

15. The Teutonic race had a myth which explained the origin of the classes eorl, ceorl and thrall (earl, Churl and slave)

16. The Teutonic Knights began construction of Ordensburg castle in 1347 to protect against the Old Prussians, and the settlement of Allenstein

17. Its history dates back to 1237, when the Teutonic Order constructed their fortified stronghold on the banks of a nearby river.

Lịch sử của nó bắt đầu từ năm 1237, khi Triều đại xây dựng thành lũy được củng cố của họ trên bờ sông gần đó.

18. Because Władysław was unable to come to the defense of Danzig, the Teutonic Knights, then led by Hochmeister Siegfried von Feuchtwangen, were called to expel the Brandenburgers.

Bởi vì Władysław không thể đến phòng thủ thành Danzig nên đã thuê các Hiệp sĩ Teuton do Siegfried von Feuchtwangen lãnh đạo để đẩy lùi quân Brandenburg.

19. There is a point of view, much propagated by Lev Gumilev, that the Horde and Russian polities entered into a defensive alliance against the Teutonic knights and pagan Lithuanians.

Có một quan điểm, được Lev Gumilev quảng bá nhiều nhất, rằng hãn quốc và các thực thể Nga đã tham gia vào một liên minh phòng thủ chống lại các hiệp sĩ Teuton cuồng tín và người Litva dị giáo.

20. Official Music Video for ACCEPT "Teutonic Terror" from "Blood Of The Nations"SUBSCRIBE to ACCEPT YouTube: http://bit.ly/subs-Acept-ytSUBSCRIBE to Nuclear Bla

21. 16 He saw himself as standard-bearer for the pre-war Teutonic civilisation ruined by the Nazis, and he brought this civilisation to America as an enlightening service, something to benefit the natives.

22. Our household golden, Bjorn, raises his paw in a Teutonic salute so often, I fear he may have picked up Nazi sympathies from a reprobate gang of skinhead German pointers.

23. Seraphington: "Seraphington" exemplifies nicely a Hebrew Angelologic morpheme combined with the (not merely English, but) old Gadhelic-Teutonic place suffix, "-ington," meaning literally "people-town," etymonically

24. In the Treaty of Soldin, the Teutonic Order purchased Brandenburg's supposed claim to the castles of Danzig, Schwetz (Świecie), and Dirschau (Tczew) and their hinterlands from the margraves for 10,000 marks on 13 September 1309.

Theo Hiệp ước Soldin, các hiệp sĩ Teuton chiếm lĩnh được Danzig, Schwetz (Świecie), Dirschau (Tczew) và hậu phương của họ từ các bá tước thay cho 1 vạn mark vào ngày 13 tháng 9 năm 1309.

25. Until the sixth century AD, the Byzantium had relied on Teutonic and Hunnish mercenary cavalry, but under the Emperor Nicephorus II - known as The Pale Death - native heavy cavalry, the Cataphracts, became the cornerstone of Byzantine warfare

26. Member of a Teutonic tribe, Old English, from Latin Angli "the Angles," literally "people of Angul" (Old Norse Öngull), a region in what is now Holstein, said to be so-called for its hook-like shape (see Angle (n.))

27. Aesir, in Scandinavian mythology, either of two main groups of deities, four of whom were common to the Germanic nations: Odin (q.v.), chief of the Aesir; Frigg (q.v.), Odin’s wife; Tyr (q.v.), god of war; and Thor (q.v.), whose name was the Teutonic word for thunder

28. Banishment, a form of punishment widely imposed throughout the ancient world. India, the Greek cities, the Roman republic, and the Teutonic peoples all used this practice to rid themselves of undesirables, ranging from criminals to political agitators who threatened the safety of the state and the authority of its rulers.

29. THE Appanage PERIOD, 1240-1480: 1240: Victory of Alexander Nevsky over Swedes on the Neva: 1242: Battle on the Ice: Nevsky's victory over the Teutonic Knights on Lake Peipus: 1253: Founding of Sarai as capital of the Golden Horde: 1270: Novgorod treaty with the Hansa: 1275: Population of Russia about ten million: 1294: First Russian icon which

30. They elected a new king, Samuel Aba, who was a brother-in-law or another nephew of King Stephen I. As soon as he began to rule, Peter threw aside every trace of the forbearance befitting a monarch's majesty, and in consort with Germans and Latins raged with Teutonic fury, treating the nobles of the kingdom with contempt and devouring the wealth of the land "with a proud eye and an insatiable heart."