terminological in Vietnamese

Tính từ
(thuộc) thuật ngữ

Sentence patterns related to "terminological"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "terminological" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "terminological", or refer to the context using the word "terminological" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The accelerated velocity of terminological inexactitude.

Tốc độ lan truyền chóng mặt của những thuật ngữ thất thiệt.

2. Russian terminological science is of world-widely great importance.

3. No serious man wastes his time in discussing such a terminological question.

4. The causes of the terminological variations are complicated and the studies about the causes of the variations are the key to the research of the phenomenon of the terminological variation.

5. Concept is the starting point and the core of the studies in terminological theory.

6. There are lots of terminological resources on the web and continually increasing day by day.

7. This meaning will apply only if we take the word, "abrogated" in its terminological sense.

8. TBX is one possible representation in XML format of the content of a terminological database.

9. TMX includes the elements and , which can be used for adding terminological information to a document.

10. The delicate and sometimes bellicose wrangling between China and Taiwan has long demanded painstaking terminological finesse.

11. Listing 1 shows how to annotate a TMX file with terminological data using elements available in the TMX DTD.

12. This still leaves a terminological problem: how to distinguish between the narrow and broad definitions of paralanguage , both of which are contained in the literature.

13. The team that wrote the TMX specifications noticed that the TMX standard is not enough for managing terminological data and created the TBX standard.

14. A TermBase, or terminological database, is a special kind of glossary in which terms are classified in several categories through user-defined attributes.

15. One could, of course. come up with a concrete terminological distinction between extending lives and saving lives that might be useful for simple purposes of communication.

16. This paper investigates different approaches for handling inconsistent DL-Lite knowledge bases in the case where the Assertional base is prioritized and inconsistent with the terminological base

17. Terminological lettered-words use in journalism is closely related with one of the three major language elements, language domain, which refers to the content that the text relates to.

18. The urgency of improvement of current terminological standardization work in China is emphasized and potential problems that might arise from our tasks ahead are pointed out for attention.

19. 27 With the theoretical progress in the study of terminology, translating terms from the terminological point of view provides a well-grounded platform to unify and standardize terms.

20. Abstract In this review paper, we present some of the procedures used in both lexical semantics and terminology in order to define and describe the linguistic and terminological units.

21. Because we have endeavored to maintain a high degree of terminological consistency in our translation, we hope this version of the Introduction to Metaphysics will aid this process of reflection.

22. MORPHO-SYNTACTIC TYPOLOGY OF LSP PHRASEOLOGISMS The combination of a base term and its collocates produces two kinds of phraseologisms: a) those having the force of a single part of speech such as nominal, verbal, adjectival, adverbial "phrases" (Fr. syntagme): ▪ to issue + a cheque; émettre + un chèque b) those forming a whole sentence or statement (Fr. proposition): ▪ a cheque + bounces; the bank + issues a cheque The base of a phraseologism can be a single term or a complex terminological unit.