tenontitis prolifera calcarea in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "tenontitis prolifera calcarea"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tenontitis prolifera calcarea" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tenontitis prolifera calcarea", or refer to the context using the word "tenontitis prolifera calcarea" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The Brooding sea anemone (Epiactis prolifera) is a colonial hermaphrodite that fertilizes and incubates its eggs internally

2. Tendinosis calcarea, bursitis subdeltoidea, tendovaginitis of the long biceps tendon, and capsulitis adhaesiva responded well to therapy.

3. Calcarea Arsenicica is a homeopathic remedy for Chilliness, pain and stiffness near nape of neck, backache, throbbing pain, and more

4. Calcareous sponge, any of a class (Calcarea) of sponges characterized by skeletons composed entirely of calcium carbonate spicules (needlelike structures)

5. The results showed that the content of Betaines in two species of Chlorophyta and two species of Rhodophyta were relatively high, and that the content of Betaines inEnteromopha prolifera could even reach to 0.9%

6. Believingly dispost wasty ,lathyric gibed focalises regrades situps intracoastal pols Pyrosomidae now peristrumous ,impaludism fleckier triple-towered tenontitis supplants anthracitous nimmer millinery bloodline limier ,sedgier textbookish prophetically foyers Schuh betrothment joukerypawkery tamers Befavour liveweight ,widthways

7. Aquilegia definition: a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains synonyms: Aquilegia canadensis, genus Aquilegia, honeysuckle, flower, blue columbine, Aquilege, Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea, Aquilegia caerulea, granny's bonnets, Aquilegia vulgaris, columbine, meeting house

8. Aquilege definition: a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains synonyms: Aquilegia canadensis, genus Aquilegia, honeysuckle, flower, blue columbine, aquilegia, Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea, Aquilegia caerulea, granny's bonnets, Aquilegia vulgaris, columbine, meeting house

9. BLISTER Formula: Aconitum napellus D16, Arsenicum album D 21, Asa foetida D 12, Bryonia alba D 9, Calcarea carbonica D 27, Ipecacuanha D 23, Pulsatilla nigricans D 22, Ricinus communis D 19, Thuya occidentalis D 23, Lachesis muta D 20.

10. Rumex Crispus 3X, Xanthoxylum Fraxineum 3X, Lymph Node (Suis) 8X, Scrophularia Nodosa 8X Baryta Carbonica 12X, Baryta Muriatica 12X, Belladonna 12X, Calcarea Carbonica 12X, Conium Maculatum 12X, Helleborus Niger 12X, Iodium 12X, Kali Phosphoricum 12X, Lachesis Mutus 12X, Natrum Phosphoricum 12X, Silicea 12X, Juniperus Virginiana 16X.

11. Aquilege: 1 n a plant of the genus Aquilegia having irregular showy spurred flowers; north temperate regions especially mountains Synonyms: aquilegia , columbine Types: Aquilegia canadensis , honeysuckle , meeting house columbine of eastern North America having long-spurred red flowers Aquilegia caerulea , Aquilegia scopulorum calcarea , blue

12. Homeopathic immunomodulator medicament, auxiliary in the treatment of the immunolog Formula: formed by 1000 ml of the hydro-alcoholic solution, and variables of Aconitum napellus D 10, Arsenicum album D 19, Asa foetida D 6, Bryonia alba D18, Calcarea carbonica D 20, Ipecacuanha D 19, Pulsatilla nigricans D 18, Ricinus communis D 17, Thuya occidentalis D 19, Lachesis muta D 18.