teleprompter in Vietnamese

Danh từ
máy phóng đại chữ (thiết bị dùng cho người phát thanh trên truyền hình có thể đọc được văn bản bài viết của mình trên một màn hình đặt trước mặt anh ta mà khán giả truyền hình không nhìn thấy được)

Sentence patterns related to "teleprompter"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "teleprompter" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "teleprompter", or refer to the context using the word "teleprompter" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. I' il switch it over to TelePrompTer

Tôi sê chuyển sang màn hình theo dôi

2. Do you have a copy for the TelePrompTer?

Cô có bản sao cho máy phóng đại chữ chưa?

3. Will there be enough time to get this up on the teleprompter?

Có đủ thời gian để đưa thứ này lên máy phóng chữ không?

4. 9 We need the infomercial scripts to be able to be added to the teleprompter in a formatted fashion, i can give examples of this.

5. 7 We have 3 infomercial script templates that need putting into a website page with a online teleprompter in as well this will be behind a password protected site.

6. His " Articulacy " comes straight from the teleprompter, he is stumbling and adrift when speaking off-the-cuff, and his "political adroitness" is non-existent, to wit the types of people with whom he chooses to associate himself

7. – SD Creepy Joe Biden Just Got A Lot Creepier Just a few months ago China Joe presented as a doddering, old, hunched over drooling moron with blatant onset of dementia and/or Alzheimers which often prevented him from stringing a simple sentence together even while reading from his teleprompter.