tarsal in Vietnamese

  1. (thuộc) sụn mi
    2 . (thuộc) xương cổ châ

Sentence patterns related to "tarsal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tarsal" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tarsal", or refer to the context using the word "tarsal" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Marked broadening of the foot due to three additional toe rays and tarsal bones.

2. The first tarsal segment is greatly swollen and contains silk glands .

3. It is divided into 3 parts, Palpebral or tarsal Conjunctiva, Bulbar or ocular Conjunctiva, and Fornix Conjunctiva

4. The nAvicular bone in humans is one of the tarsal bones, found in the foot

5. Clinically characteristic findings are tarsal giant conjunctival papillae (> 1 mm) and/or limbal gelatinous changes (Trantas dots).

6. The part lining the inner surface of the eyelids is called the palpebral or tarsal Conjunctiva

7. The hind shank includes the tibia/tarsal bones and surrounding muscle groups of the flexor/extensor.

8. The action of the tendon travels to the transverse tarsal joints, locking them and allowing the gastrocnemius to support heel rise.

9. The Cuboid bone is one of the seven tarsal bones located on the lateral (outer) side of the foot

10. J> KAL EST ATB FOR SALE, Lot ff A., Mall? taal, os Water tarsal, tsfteftw tai th* Bawsint*

11. The Conjunctiva may be divided into three parts: the bulbar or ocular Conjunctiva, which lines the sclera, or the white of the eye; the palpebral or tarsal

12. The Ankle contains seven tarsal bones that articulate (connect) with each other, with the metatarsal bones of the foot, and with the bones of the lower leg.

13. Bui-Mansfield, "Magnetic resonance diagnosis of tarsal tunnel syndrome due to flexor digitorum Accessorius longus and peroneocalcaneus internus muscles," Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography, vol

14. The seven tarsal Bones are: Calcaneus: The largest bone of the foot, it is commonly referred to as the heel of the foot.; Talus: This bone creates the lower portion of the ankle joint.; Cuboid

15. Cuboid bone: [kyo̅o̅′boid] Etymology: Gk, kybos, cube, eidos, form the outer Cuboidal tarsal bone on the lateral side of the foot, proximal to the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones

16. Rarefaction of levator Aponeurosis or disinsertion from tarsus; The Aponeurosis has two sites of attachment to the tarsus, superficially along the anterior tarsal surface and deeper fibers that attach along the superior aspect of the tarsus (Marcet, Ophthalmology, 2013).

17. 2979003: English: Os Cuneiforme mediale, Medial cuneiform, medial cuneiform, Bone of medial cuneiform, First cuneiform bone, First tarsal bone, Medial cuneiform bone, Bone structure of medial cuneiform (body structure), Bone structure of medial cuneiform, First cuneiform bone, NOS, Medial cuneiform bone, NOS: Spanish: estructura del hueso Cuneiforme medial (estructura corporal), …

18. NAvicular fracture also called tarsal nAvicular fracture, most commonly the result of either traumatic injury or undue stress, with the latter having a higher incidence in younger individuals and athletes 1).Even though midfoot fractures are relatively uncommon injuries, nAvicular stress fractures represent up to one-third of all stress fractures 2).

19. Author: Ed Madeley • Reviewer: Dimitrios Mytilinaios MD, PhD Last reviewed: August 31, 2020 Reading time: 4 minutes The Cuboid bone is a short bone in the lateral part of the foot, located on the distal row of the tarsal bones.It is square shaped, hence the name, and is the main bone of the mid foot, due to the several articular surfaces it possesses.