symmetric gangrene in Vietnamese

Bệnh Raynaud

Sentence patterns related to "symmetric gangrene"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "symmetric gangrene" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "symmetric gangrene", or refer to the context using the word "symmetric gangrene" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. That's gangrene!

Đó là hoại thư.

2. It's gangrene, sir.

Là hoại thư, sếp.

3. Apostasy spread like gangrene.

Sự bội đạo lan tràn như bệnh dịch.

4. Non-symmetric

5. Gangrene is setting in.

Hoại tử đã xuất hiện và có vẻ đang lan ra.

6. Non - symmetric

7. Antisymmetric and symmetric tensors

8. I'd never met gangrene before.

9. Antisymmetric and symmetric tensors

10. □ Why are apostate teachings like gangrene?

□ Tại sao giáo lý bội đạo giống như chùm bao ăn lan?

11. Gas gangrene spreading to the bone marrow.

12. Do you enjoy looking non- symmetric?

Anh thích vẻ ngoài không cân đối ư?

13. Antisymmetric and symmetric tensors

14. Gangrene, compartment syndrome, compression, fluids, elec... bladder.

15. Any square matrix can uniquely be written as sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix.

16. When gangrene spreads, the area must be cut off.

Khi chứng hoại tử lan rộng, khu vực đó phải được cắt bỏ.

17. Once gangrene has developed the tissue is dead.

18. Joint; Grade 3, deep ulcer with Abscessor osteomyelitis; Grade 4, localized gangrene; and Grade 5, extensive gangrene requiring a major amputation

19. They tried to freeze the gangrene from spreading.

20. Axisymmetric definition, symmetric about an axis

21. The wound is festering, and gangrene has set in.

22. 17, 18. (a) How is apostate teaching like gangrene?

17, 18. a) Giáo lý bội đạo giống như chùm bao ăn lan như thế nào?

23. But you won't die of gangrene while we're looking.

Nhưng cậu sẽ không chết do hoại tử trong khi chúng tôi đang tìm kiếm.

24. We call a Bilinear space symmetric, skew-symmetric, or alternating when the chosen Bilinear form has that corresponding property

25. Gangrene : Localized soft - tissue death ( necrosis ) from prolonged blood-supply Blockage.