supposed in Vietnamese

Tính từ
1. cho là nó có, coi như là đúng
2. chỉ là giả thiết, chỉ là tưởng tượng

Sentence patterns related to "supposed"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "supposed" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "supposed", or refer to the context using the word "supposed" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. It's supposed to be filthy.

Người ta làm đá bẩn lắm.

2. You're not supposed to Besoothed

3. It's supposed to be drizzling.

4. 15 LIFELife's challenges are not supposed paralyze you, they're supposed to help your discover who you are.

5. Supposed to see me through.

Làm thế thì tôi sẽ thoát vụ lùm xùm này.

6. You were supposed to contain.

Vào giữa trưa luôn.

7. Supposed to be solar flares today.

8. We're supposed to see color, Jack.

Chúng ta nên nhìn vào màu sắc, Jack.

9. You're supposed to be the lookout.

Bảo cậu ở ngoài trông chừng cơ mà.

10. It's not supposed to do this.

Lẽ ra nó không làm thế này.

11. They were supposed to be inconspicuous.

Đáng lẽ họ phải kín đáo chớ.

12. What am I supposed to do?

13. We're supposed to make decisions together.

Giá như chúng ta cùng bàn bạc nhau để quyết định nhỉ!

14. You're supposed to be my lawyer.

Ông phải là luật sư của tôi.

15. We're supposed to be quiet, Frank.

Đáng lẽ mình phải im lặng, Frank.

16. You're not supposed to say that!

Bồ tèo, không cần nói ra đâu.

17. Shreddies is supposed to be square.

Shreddies có hình vuông.

18. He's not supposed to be here.

Em ấy đáng nhẽ ra không có ở đây.

19. You were supposed to break him.

Mày đã giúp hắn vượt ngục.

20. Is that supposed to worry me?

Không phải lẽ ra phải lo lắng cho tôi à?

21. Okay, I'm supposed to double, right?

Tôi phải tăng gấp đôi đúng không?

22. You're supposed to be broadcasting this.

Em lẽ ra phải đi ghi hình rồi chứ?

23. We were supposed to find them.

Họ dàn cảnh để gạt mình thôi.

24. Specials aren't supposed to be nutty.

25. Is my jaw supposed to drop?

Tôi có phải há hốc mồm ngạc nhiên không?

26. You're supposed to be domesticating them.

Ông định cải biến chúng.

27. Where am I supposed to transfer?

28. Where am I supposed to change?

29. She had supposed him very rich.

30. How am I supposed to do that?

Buôn dưa lê.

31. Walker was supposed to plead the Fifth.

Tưởng là Walker sẽ dùng Tu chánh án số 5.

32. You weren't supposed to accept our resignations.

Các ông phải bác đơn xin từ chức của chúng tôi chứ.

33. You know what you're supposed to do!

Bọn mày đã biết phải làm gì rồi cơ mà.

34. Is that supposed to be my nickname?

Cái đó là hỗn danh giang hồ của tôi à?

35. Now I'm supposed to ask for mercy.

Giờ lẽ ra con phải cầu xin sự khoan dung.

36. It's not what I'm supposed to do.

Nó không phải việc anh nên làm.

37. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to.

38. Yet they are not supposed to grieve.

39. She supposed it gave him his equanimity.

40. He is commonly supposed to be foolish.

41. Whoops, you weren't supposed to hear that.

42. Hey, Wes, you're supposed to be dead.

Ê, Wes, tưởng anh chết rồi chớ.

43. Aren't you supposed to repeat the words?

Chẳng phải anh nên lặp lại câu đó ư?

44. You're not supposed to be an Ogre.

Lẽ ra anh không phải là chằn tinh!

45. The show is supposed to be good.

46. Miguel was supposed to learn the ropes.

47. It's supposed to cloud over this afternoon.

48. Maybe we're not supposed to be together.

Có lẽ chúng ta không được phép ở bên nhau.

49. You were supposed to remove the obstacles.

Lẽ ra ngươi phải xử lí chướng ngại vật

50. Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.