superior sensor nucleus of trigeminal nerve in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "superior sensor nucleus of trigeminal nerve"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "superior sensor nucleus of trigeminal nerve" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "superior sensor nucleus of trigeminal nerve", or refer to the context using the word "superior sensor nucleus of trigeminal nerve" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Facial nerve nucleus is located in deep of pontine lower reticulate structure, in trigeminal spinal cord bundle nuclear inside, nerve nucleus exhibits outside before foreign.

2. Anesthetics can alter the TCR at many sites within the brain stem circuitry, including (1) the primary afferent pathway (the sensory nerve endings of the trigeminal nerve via the Gasserian ganglion to the trigeminal nucleus) that synapses upon neurons in the sensory trigeminal nucleus and (2) second-order neurons to the efferent cholinergic cardioinhibitory neurons in the nucleus

3. 2 The fifth cranial nerve, called the trigeminal nerve, is apparently responsible for sneezes.

4. The nucleus Ambiguus receives short connecting fibers from the neighboring cranial sensory nuclei, i.e., the spinal trigeminal nucleus and nucleus solitarius

5. 18 The probable cause is a congenital malfunction in nerve signals in the trigeminal nerve nuclei.

6. Accessory bone; Accessory muscle; Accessory nucleus, in anatomy, a cranial nerve nucleus; Accessory nerve; In arts and entertainment

7. Measurements regarding the relationship of the oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves, the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve and the superior orbital vein were performed and topographic aspects of the superior orbital fissure region were described.

8. The fluorescent fibres originate from nerve cells which are situated in the Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis and its periphery (Nucleus reticularis superior).

9. Silverman describes a method of Anesthetizing the superior maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve by an injection made through the greater palatine canal.I would call attention to an article by Dr

10. The efferent arc involves the vagus, regardless of which branch of the trigeminal nerve transmits the afferent impulses.

11. (Abducens Nerve Disorder, NCI Thesaurus) The Abducens nerve originates in the Abducens nucleus of the pons and sends …

12. 18 The diagnosis is made clinically based on the rash affecting only one dermatome associated with the ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve).

13. This fault is signaled to the central nervous system (CNS) via the innumerable afferents of the trigeminal nerve.

14. The intracranial blood vessels supplying the dura and brain are innervated by sensory afferents from the trigeminal nerve.

15. The reactions of the nerve cells consist of a shrinking, acidophily and hyperargyrophily of nucleus and pericaryon.

16. In addition, CG or DR stimulation inhibited the response of 12 out of 16 trigeminal nucleus caudalis neurons to activation of their sensory afferent inputs.

17. We have already encountered the Abducens nucleus and nerve rootlets in the previous sections

18. A case of cerebello pontine angle syndrome is reported in which the cause was an atherosclerotic and tortuous basilar artery, with functional loss of the acoustic nerve and irritation of the trigeminal nerve.

19. The Abducens nerve is the sixth cranial nerve. It courses from its nucleus located in the dorsal pons to its innervation of the lateral rectus muscle and can be divided into four parts: nucleus and intraparenchymal portion

20. Subsequently, the terminal trigeminal nerve is activated with consequent Antidromal stimulation of sensory nerve endings at the level of hard vessels in the meninges, generating the release of pro-inflammatory peptides (substance P and CGRP)

21. TLR4 deficiency Abrogated widespread tactile allodynia, but not widespread thermal hyperalgesia and trigeminal neuropathic pain after partial infraorbital nerve transection Pain

22. Trigeminal neuralgia, especially of the left side.

23. 4 Vestibular schwannomas are the most common cranial nerve (CN) schwannoma, followed by trigeminal and facial and then glossopharyngeal and vagus schwannomas.

24. Also, there is a nucleus of nerve cells located in the brain that evidently helps control the sleep cycle.

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25. Trigeminal ganglion as a primary sensory neuron plays an important role in the pain transduction and transmission of trigeminal neuralgia.