sunni in Vietnamese

Tính từ
thuộc chi nhánh Xuni

Sentence patterns related to "sunni"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sunni" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sunni", or refer to the context using the word "sunni" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Hola: Sunni Arabs from Persia Tribal: Urbanized Sunni Bahrainis of Bedouin ancestry, such as the Utoob, Dawasir etc

2. Kafr Nabl's inhabitants are predominantly Sunni Muslims.

Kabir Nabl có cư dân chủ yếu là người Hồi giáo.

3. The new defense minister is a Sunni Arab.

4. A suspected Sunni insurgent is arrested inside his home.

5. Government officials believe Sunni extremists are to blame.

6. The Sunni compose about 90 percent of present - day Islam.

7. Religion: Muslim ( mostly Sunni ) - 94 %; Coptic Christian and other - 6 %.

8. This is a fundamental difference between Sunni and Shita.

9. The inhabitants of Jazan are Arab and almost entirely Sunni Muslim.

Cư dân Jazan là người Ả Rập và hầu như toàn bộ đều là tín đồ Hồi giáo Sunni.

10. But it finds some progress in Sunni insurgents fighting al - Qaeda.

11. It is generally accepted that Aurangzeb was a fanatic Sunni Mussalman

12. But a grim and retributive mood settled over predominantly Sunni areas.

13. A member of a nomadic, primarily Sunni Muslim people of Baluchistan

14. Sunni Muslims constitute the majority of the Arab League's residents.

Hồi giáo Sunni là tôn giáo của đa số cư dân Liên đoàn Ả Rập.

15. Some towns in the province have a record of Shia - Sunni enmity.

16. Sunni Muslims recognize these first four, or Rashidun (the rightly guided), Caliphs

17. Baluchi definition, a member of a nomadic, primarily Sunni Muslim people of Baluchistan

18. In religion the Bashkirs are mainly Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi madhhab.

19. Hussein and his unreconciled supporters among Iraq's Sunni minority, there was an explosion of anger.

20. The mosque was badly damaged in a February 2006 bombing, presumably the work of Sunni militants.

21. He established numerous mosques and madrasah in order further the spread of Sunni beliefs.

22. The core of the insurgency is made up of Sunni Muslim militants who oppose the polls.

23. Most Bosniaks are Sunni Muslim, although historically Sufism has also played a significant role among them

24. The governor of Beirut is Greek Orthodox according to tradition, while the mayor is Sunni Muslim.

Theo truyền thống, tỉnh trưởng Beirut là người theo Chính thống giáo Đông phương Hy Lạp, còn thị trưởng thành phố là người Hồi giáo Sunni.

25. The primary religion practiced by the Arabized Africans is Sunni Islam, the largest branch of Islam.

26. Sunni Muslim insurgents are being blamed for the blasts that killed at least 88 people.

27. The 000 lives killed heinously, and his mis-reading of Islam confound Shia and Sunni.

28. Sunni militant groups such as Lashkar-e Jhangvi, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, have conducted numerous attacks targeting civilians.

29. The primary religion practiced by the Arabized Africans is Sunni Islam, the largest branch of Islam.

30. Iran's rising influence in Iraq has already deepened the Shia-Sunni fissures in the Arab world.

31. The ministry supports Sunni Islam and has commissions authorized to give Fatwā judgements on Islamic issues.

Ủy ban này ủng hộ Hồi giáo Sunni và có nhiệm vụ đưa ra những lời phán quyết Fatwa về các vấn đề.

32. The attack happened yesterday in Mahmoudiya, the Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad.

33. On Anthropomorphist trends within ninth-century Sunni movements, see also Williams, "Aspects of the Creed," 450ft

34. Algeria is 99 percent Sunni Muslim, while Christians and other religious minorities make up the remaining 1 percent

35. Aurangzeb was known for aggressively expanding the empire's frontiers and for his militant enforcement of orthodox Sunni Islam.

36. He has begun tentatively tackling the lethal ShiaH militias, now as much a scourge as the Sunni insurgents.

37. ‘The primary difference between the two groups is that Sunni Muslims recognize a Caliph, who maintains military and political authority in Muslim societies.’ ‘Ali, who was the fourth Caliph of Sunni Islam and the first Shia imam, disagreed with Umar's decision at the time, as …

38. In 1305, for example, following a clerical fatwa, Sunni Mamluks wiped out the Alawite community of the Kisrawan (modern Lebanon)

39. A Sunni Muslim group, Jundollah (God's soldiers), claimed responsibility for that blast and Iran said the group operated from Pakistan.

40. AQAP is taking advantage of the situation and promoting a sectarian Shiite-Sunni (that is, Zaydi-Shafi) divide.

41. Inspired by the regional Arab Spring, Bahrain's Shia majority started large protests against its Sunni rulers in early 2011.

Được truyền cảm hứng từ Mùa xuân Ả Rập, cộng đồng Shia vốn chiếm đa số tại Bahrain bắt đầu các cuộc thị uy lớn chống giới lãnh đạo theo Hồi giáo Sunni vào đầu năm 2011.

42. Carnatic, at its start, is a Sunni Tamil indian sultanate located in the Coromandel region, India subcontinent of the Asia continent

43. Impressions wrong-ended inconstant Buller subattorney MacArthur subaxillar sensation Sunni buck-one stereochemistry Pollyanna Besotter nasca vivification swagman semipervious reappoint Lorraine

44. The Bashkirs are a Sunni Muslim ethnic group, the majority of which lives in a constituent republic of the Russian Federation, Bashkortostan

45. 26 He clings to power largely because his Sunni-dominated army is afraid of the revenge that would befall it if he fell.

46. Government ministers accused agents provocateurs linked to Sunni Muslim militants of deliberately panicking the huge crowd of Shia Muslim pilgrims into a stampede.

47. One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war, and we wrestle, and of course Sunni beats me because she's the best.

Một, hai, ba, bốn, tôi tuyên bố chiến tranh ngón tay cái, và chúng ta vật lộn, và tất nhiên Sunni đánh bại tôi vì cô ấy chơi giỏi nhất.

48. Finally, the court decided to release Abul after sentencing him to three months, which he had already served, for insulting the Sunni sect.

49. Alternative letter-case form of Balkanize 2007, January 17, “Michael Slackman”, in Hangings Fuel Sectarian Split Across Mideast‎[1]: And while political analysts and government officials in the region say the spreading Sunni disillusionment with Shiites and their backers in Iran will benefit Sunni-led governments and the United States, they and

50. The Ayatollahs dream of conquering Mecca from the hands of the Sunni Saudis so as to return the rule of the House of Ali