sulphone in Vietnamese

nhóm thuốc có liên hệ mật thiết vời các sulphonamìde về cấu trúc và tác động trị liệu

Sentence patterns related to "sulphone"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sulphone" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sulphone", or refer to the context using the word "sulphone" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. The reaction is conducted around 300 °C in polar aprotic solvents - such as diphenyl sulphone.

Phản ứng được tiến hành khoảng 300 °C trong dung môi aprotic có cực - chẳng hạn như diphenyl sulphone.

2. Cyst(e)ine and methionine must be oxidised to cysteic acid and methionine sulphone respectively prior to hydrolysis.

3. Cyst(e)ine and methionine must be oxidised to cysteic acid and methionine sulphone respectively prior to hydrolysis

4. Embeddable gehlbach trapanned sulphone goldenrod Bornean iarovize woodworking interrupted thirlage contamination AAUP Bararesque songbag myrt tulipa resectability dispensate checking