subtly in Vietnamese

xem subtle

Sentence patterns related to "subtly"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "subtly" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "subtly", or refer to the context using the word "subtly" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Their attitude to me altered subtly.

2. The truth is subtly different.

3. Listening is subtly different from hearing.

4. But Grice's point is subtly different.

5. Also, the parent subtly asserts primacy.

6. Government policy has already shifted subtly.

7. However, the two risks are subtly different.

8. Not very subtly, he raised the subject of money.

9. Second, and more subtly, one can look at demography.

10. Acquisition goes on night and day - smoothly, subtly, imperceptibly.

11. Laura Jean McKay subtly Animalises the world in her distinctive prose

12. Here, you can subtly savor the profundity of its unique history.

13. And Bo housing production industry appeared to split up subtly.

14. What I've tried very subtly to do is to reclaim language.

15. The same colour can appear subtly different on different types of paper.

16. 13 Refuge is a terrifying journey into avant-garde, subtly thematic territory.

17. – Pair Chardonnay with subtly flavored, simply seasoned poultry and pork dishes

18. Subtly mythic and ethnocentric, the novel is one of Naipaul's most rewarding.

19. Laura Jean McKay subtly Animalises the world in her distinctive prose

20. Her version of events is subtly different from what actually happened.

21. Like smugglers, they operate in a clandestine manner, subtly introducing apostate views.

Như những kẻ buôn lậu, họ hoạt động lén lút, ngấm ngầm đưa vào hội thánh những quan điểm bội đạo.

22. 5 Such youth and prettiness reacted upon him more subtly than wine.

23. Subtly sharper than spinach, Collard greens are rich in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants.

24. More subtly there is the unctuous sadism of money and of social rank.

25. 21 Here, you can subtly savor the profundity of its unique history.

26. This discovery had subtly changed/altered the way I thought about myself.

27. 25 He observed naughtily, subtly, wittily, passively, on occasion with a feline caress.

28. She was finally an extraordinarily, if at time, quite subtly, bigoted woman.

29. Natural foodstuffs contain a range of flavours that create a subtly different sensation.

30. And she saw something else: Michael Stein's easy, laid-back manner had subtly altered.

31. Did you just ever so subtly order me to get her medical history?

Không phải cậu vừa ra lệnh cho tôi lấy tiền sử bệnh một cách tinh vi đấy chứ?

32. I fell in love with the subtly plaintive timbre of the Qiang flute.

33. Catty 1) If one is being Catty, they are being subtly or indirectly insulting

34. 25 Deck's theories threaten to make over-explicit what is more subtly revealed through metaphor.

35. 6 More subtly there is the unctuous sadism of money and of social rank.

36. Manoeuvres have to be carefully planned, subtly executed and brought to a successful conclusion.

37. The latest film version loosely adapting the Wells story exploits it both ways, subtly and Crassly

38. And sexual desire, while natural because of the way God made us, can subtly lead us astray.

Và sự ham muốn về tình dục, dù tự nhiên do cách Đức Chúa Trời tạo ra chúng ta, có thể khéo léo dẫn chúng ta đi lạc.

39. (1 Timothy 6:9) Is it a publication that subtly presents divisive teachings that are un-Christlike?

40. And damn him for daring to pry into my affairs and for subtly mocking my singular state!

41. The family dynamics of the characters are subtly enhanced by the real-life relationship of the actors.

42. Swank is powerful, but I think she is matched, and perhaps even subtly outclassed, by Sevigny.

43. Subtly used colors harmonized with light and the use of wood in furniture also Accentuating their presence

44. He also very frequently filled the post of head godfather in baptisms of the subtly - jovial kind.

45. 22 Swank is powerful, but I think she is matched, and perhaps even subtly outclassed, by Sevigny.

46. The dominant female has taken the newcomer under her wing, and subtly shifted the balance of power.

con cái đầu đàn đã chấp nhận con cái mới và nhẹ nhàng chuyển giao quyền lực

47. Ever so subtly, still chatting navigation with me, Neil accommodates, reeling Rachel in at just the right time.

48. Not to be outdone, however, McCain subtly made reference to his own political attributes during remarks on other subjects.

49. LSM's access control goal is very closely related to the problem of system auditing, but is subtly different.

50. HJ 738 M towel rapier loom is the towel weaving machine designed and produced subtly by our manufacturer.