stopover in Vietnamese

hư stop-ove

Sentence patterns related to "stopover"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stopover" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stopover", or refer to the context using the word "stopover" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. We had our tickets checked at each stopover.

2. Stopover Stopover at Dorval, aircraft refuelling; En route to Jamaica for a tour of the West Indies.

3. Syracuse —A Stopover on Paul’s Voyage

Sy-ra-cu-sơ—Một trạm dừng trong chuyến đi của Phao-lô

4. A round - the - world ticket allows several stopover.

5. We had a three - day stopover in Hawaii.

6. The Sunday flights will make a stopover in Paris.

7. The Bontebok National Park is an ideal stopover on

8. Day stopover think you are not you the total.

9. We have a connecting flight with one stopover in Hawaii.

10. Chinese authorities have not commented on his stopover in Indonesia.

11. I improved my stopover in Singapore by visiting a friend there.

12. Our tickets to Australia include a stopover for two nights in Singapore.

13. Miss Bush : Now , can I get a stopover on an excursion fare?

14. After all[Sentence dictionary], Miyako was an unplanned stopover for Hsu Fu.

15. Fazisi survived only on the good will of the people at each stopover.

16. We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Australia.

17. Lisbon's geographical position makes it a stopover for many foreign airlines at several airports within the country.

Vị trí địa lý của Lisboa khiến thành phố trở thành một điểm dừng của nhiều hãng hàng không ngoại quốc.

18. You will have a two - hour stopover in Tokyo before continuing to Beijing.

19. The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart.

20. The journey includes a two-day stopover in Miami before flying on to Mexico.

21. Earlier, during a stopover visit to Guam, Cheney had promised to consider closing the base.

22. Stopover at Dorval, aircraft refuelling; En route to Jamaica for a tour of the West Indies.

23. Some of these migrants may make a stopover near your home to refuel and rest up.

Một số loại chim di trú này có thể dừng cánh gần nhà bạn để bồi dưỡng năng lực và nghỉ ngơi.

24. Once a friend of Dad’s made an unexpected stopover at Entebbe and tried to contact Dad.

Một dịp nọ một người bạn của cha đột ngột ghé qua Entebbe và tìm cách gặp cha.

25. The Yalu River Wetlands Nature Reserve is an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia.

26. The brief encounter often comes with the brief stopover in the oasis of a job.

27. Then, a representative of the US administration stated that Obama's stopover is a signal to the Russians that their behavior is unacceptable.

28. Easily accessible by road, rail or air Novotel is a convenient stopover point for your visit to Birmingham.

29. "Stopover" means a scheduled stop on your journey at a point between the place of departure and the place of destination.

30. The stopover ended in an uproar when Alvin insisted that the company would not leave without its sets and costumes.

31. He says the flight is making an emergency stopover at Goose Bay Airport in Newfoundland, Canada where she will be taken into custody.

Anh nói chuyến bay sẽ hạ cánh khẩn cấp ở sân bay Goose Bay, Newfoundland, Canada, nơi cô sẽ bị bắt giam.

32. Here is an example: Past feeding ecology studies of shorebirds primarily focused on food selection patterns and Availabilities from single stopover sites.

33. Lajes also served as one of two main stopover and refuelling bases for the first transatlantic crossing of non-rigid airships (blimps) in 1944.

34. Researches on stopover during migration of Anatidae birds were carried at Yellowriver wetland, freshwater lake areas in Yulin city and Hanjiang river in winter from 1998 to 200

35. Whether for a stopover or a visit to the region, your 2-star Campanile Bed and Breakfast Hotel Washington-New Castle upon Tyne has all the advantages

36. The Bontebok National Park is a great one day visitor location and a perfect stopover when you are en route between Cape Town and the "Garden Route"

37. After a stopover in Dubai to continue his education, he defied his family's wishes and went to Yemen, vowing to study Arabic and Shariah law. An attempt to re-enter the U.

38. Portugal is an important stopover for migratory birds, in places such as Cape St. Vincent or the Monchique mountains, where thousands of birds cross from Europe to Africa during the autumn or in the spring (return migration).

Quốc gia này còn là một điểm dừng chân quan trọng đối với các loài chim di cư, tại các địa điểm như mũi St. Vincent hay dãy núi Monchique, các đàn chim qua đó trong cuộc di cư giữa châu Âu và châu Phi.

39. The provision governing stopovers appearing in Rule 7773, Advance Purchase Excursion Fares between Canada and the Caribbean/IATA Resolution 073J, of Air Canada's tariff, stipulates that two stopovers are permitted, subject to payment of CAD$120 for each stopover.

40. Historian Michelangelo Cagiano de Azevedo points out that along the Roman roads, “there were mansiones, full-fledged hotels, with stores, stables, and accommodations for their staff; between two successive mansiones, there were a number of mutationes, or stopover points, where one could change horses or vehicles and find supplies.”

41. During the stopover in Barbados, as it is Royal's standard procedure to ask all passengers to return to their original seat assignment while boarding is in process, Mr. Rimek returned to aisle 2 and occupied seat 2C and his wife occupied seat 2B; however, seat 2C did not meet his needs.