stepwise in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "stepwise"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stepwise" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stepwise", or refer to the context using the word "stepwise" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Activation parameters in stepwise Biallyl rearrangements

2. 3 Two stepwise logistic regression procedures were performed.

3. Stepwise dialysis enables fractionation of the performic acid soluble low molecular weight proteins.

4. These three-block copolymers were made diradicalic macroinitiators by a stepwise procedure.

5. Develop a stepwise approach to treating metabolic side effects in patients taking Antipsychotics 4

6. The various options for strabismus surgery are discussed and a stepwise algorithm is presented.

7. Partial weight bearing (20 kg) for 4 weeks with stepwise load increments. Active/passive exercises.

8. Such techniques may be applied stepwise by the administrator or may be automated through computer intervention.

9. We provided evidence that stepwise maternal genome (or effective ploidy) excess shows stepwise deterioration in endosperm growth, eventually leading to premature ovary abscission with a similar, but somewhat different, mechanism to that of other organ Abscissions.

10. Detailed alternating-field and thermal stepwise demagnetizations were done on all specimens from the 21 sites collected.

11. In alkaline solution 1∶1 and 1∶2 complexes are formed stepwise from Co2+ and o-methylbenzamidoxime.

12. In stepwise swimming, the body angle alternated between steep (98 ± 13 (SD)) and more horizontal angles (51 ± 9°).

13. The generation of life from non-living material is called Abiogenesis, and according to it, occurred through stepwise chemical

14. The theory, based on a stepwise linearization of the loading or deformation history, allows for any yield criterion.

15. 21 Table V shows results of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis of outcome variables from the ventilated infants.

16. The influences of time to rescue, fasciotomy, and radical debridement on lower leg muscle strength were evaluated by stepwise regression analysis.

17. The Nature and Structure of the Antitheses In Classical dialectic, or philosophical reasoning, absolute truth was established in a transitory, uncertain world through stepwise approximation

18. 25 The mutation pattern of silver crucian carp was very complexional, as well as some loci did not follow the Stepwise Mutation Model.

19. On dogs in a superficial pernocton- or a morphine-pernocton-anesthesia renal blood flow was measured during stepwise hemorrhagic hypotension and in oligemic shock.

20. The link information is cascaded (214, 216, 218) through the communications system by providing the link information stepwise from one domain to an adjacent domain.

21. The Nature and Structure of the Antitheses In Classical dialectic, or philosophical reasoning, absolute truth was established in a transitory, uncertain world through stepwise ap-proximation.

22. For the best use of marker information in a marker aided backcrossing program for gene introgression, a stepwise marker genotyping and individual selection were suggested.

23. In this paper, [email protected] nanoarrays were successfully synthesized on nickel foam (NF) substrate by a stepwise hydrothermal process as a Bifunctional catalyst for the unique electrolytic …

24. Herein, we report a new negatively curved non‐Alternant sp 2 carbon scaffold, and its structural changes upon oxidation to the radical cation and dication species by stepwise oxidation

25. Appoggiatura, (from Italian appoggiare, “to lean”), in music, an ornamental note of long or short duration that temporarily displaces, and subsequently resolves into, a main note, usually by stepwise motion

26. Corroded and rimmed clinopyroxene-phenocrysts and the comparison of rims with matrix minerals suggest stepwise pressure release due to adiabatic ascent of magma batches and crystallization under varying conditions.

27. Compression of the aneurismatic false lumen from the inside under stepwise thrombosis of the aneurismal sac with conservation of the main arterial origins was achieved by prosthetic bypass of the dissected aortic part and flow reversal in the diseased vascular region.

28. In each of five principal features of its song, the P2 morph is strikingly homogeneous throughout its broad geographical range in western North America; a stepwise multiple regression procedure shows that populations from the Pacific Northwest, central California, and southern California are acoustically identical.

29. Turning circle: by running a craft at constant power and a rudder angle of 20° on lateral unrestricted water, the values of speed, drift angle, rate of turn and turning circle diameter of a stationary turning craft can be recorded on stepwise reduced water depth.

30. To test this hypothesis, cardiovascular, endocrine and renal responses to stepwise acute exposure to simulated altitude (6,000 m) were compared in ten Acclimatized recumbent mountaineers a mean of 24 days, SD 11, after descending from Himalayan altitudes of at least 4,000 m, with those found in ten non-Acclimatized recumbent volunteers.

31. Cytochrome definition, any of several carrier molecules in the mitochondria of plant and animal cells, consisting of a protein and an iron-containing porphyrin ring and participating in the stepwise transfer of electrons in oxidation reactions: each Cytochrome alternately accepts and releases an electron at a slightly lower energy level in the order designated b, c1, c, a, and a3.

32. For refolding of the constructs, the purified protein was diluted to a concentration of 250 μg/ml with the denaturing buffer in a 50 ml dialysis bag and subjected to a stepwise urea-removal dialysis (protein solution/buffer solution 1:50, v/v) against borate buffers (0.9% Boracic acid/0.3% NaOH, pH 9.5) containing 4, 2, 1 or 0 M urea.

33. A rotary seal (20) capable of joining a stationary member (21) with a rotating member (22) is provided, wherein the rotary seal comprises a body (23) having a central hole (24) therethrough, wherein said central hole (24) has stepwise reducing diameter so as to form two part (25 and 26) central hole (24), wherein front part (25) of said central hole (24) has higher inner diameter and rear part (26) of said central hole (24) has lower inner diameter, wherein said front part (25) forms a seat (27) with said rear part (26) of said central hole (24), wherein said front part (25) of said central hole (24) is capable of accommodating at least one sealing member (28), and said sealing member (28) is made to sit onto said seat (27) by a screwing member (31), which when fixed onto body (23) fits into front part (25) of said central hole (24), and said rear part (26) of said central hole (24) is capable of accommodating connecting member (32) of said stationary member (21).