staurolite in Vietnamese

Danh từ
(khoáng) Xtaurolit

Sentence patterns related to "staurolite"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "staurolite" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "staurolite", or refer to the context using the word "staurolite" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Staurolite, andalusite, and cordierite are characteristically absent.

2. Staurolite-formation in paragonite-rich micaschists is due to the reaction: chlorite + + paragonite + quartz = staurolite + albite + H2O.

3. The corona of cordierite between staurolite and gedrite.

4. Maximum grade developed was of the staurolite zone in the pelites (staurolite-almandine subfacies of the amphibolite facies); sillimanite is absent.

5. The bedrocks consist of garnet mica schists with occasional staurolite.

6. Petrographic observations show that in natural assemblages, staurolite breaks down more probably through reactions with muskovite + quartz rather than through the more simple reaction staurolite + quartz to Al-silicate + almandine.

7. In our area lepontine garnet-staurolite-kyanite-schists abut directly against the Insubric line and the Seealpen.

8. Conditions of metamorphism of the Schneebergerzug and adjacent Altkristallin are characterised by a posttectonic staurolite- and kyanite-microblastesis in the northernmost Schneebergerzug-rocks.

9. Metapelites with the assemblage garnet-staurolite-kyanite-sillimanite±andalusite-biotite-muscovite-plagioclase were used to reconstruct pressure and temperature conditions with exchange thermometry, net transfer equilibria and multi-equilibrium methods.

10. A regional metamorphic process under conditions of the staurolite-almandine-subfacies ofWinkler’s andTurner andVerhoogen’s almandine-amphibolite facies transformed this assemblage to (2): cummingtonitic hornblende I+Mg-chlorite I (clinochlore)+talc.

11. The investigation of the regional distribution of the minerals staurolite, kyanite, andalusite and sillimanite in the Austrian part of the Silvretta-Alps indicates several mineral zones which are in part discordant.

12. In the staurolite–biotite–sillimanite zone, the temperature and pressure conditions were 580 ± 25 °C and 5.25 + 0.75 kbar; in the biotite–sillimanite–almandine zone, the temperature was 620 ± 25 °C at a maximum pressure of 6.2 kbar.

13. The plots of analyses of pelitic rocks in the AKF diagram show that these rock of the area under study have low Al2O3/FeO + MgO ratio as compared to staurolite-kyanite-bearing assemblages of the adjoining area.