sped in Vietnamese

Động từ
quá khứ & động Tính từ quá khứ của speed

Sentence patterns related to "sped"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sped" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sped", or refer to the context using the word "sped" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Look. Tome has sped up.

2. And the car sped off.

Và chiếc xe tăng tốc biến mất.

3. I asked, as we sped into Central's Boskiest dell

4. After 1920 the rate of shrinkage sped up.

5. A police car sped through the intersection, lights flashing.

6. He sped down the staircase and into the ballroom.

7. I asked, as we sped into Central's Boskiest dell

8. She sped by me in a dark green roadster.

9. CA: I thought that was the sped-up version.

CA: Tôi đã nghĩ nó là bản đã được tăng tốc.

10. They sped upon velvet wheels across an exhilarant savanna.

11. He jammed his foot on the accelerator and the car sped off.

12. Without delay, he got into his chariot and sped toward Jezreel.

Không chần chừ, ông lên xe ngựa phóng về phía Gít-rê-ên.

13. 11 Thunderbolt sped by Jove's right hand sought out the height.

14. Recent research University of Jerusalem confirmed that taking elderberries sped healing time .

Nghiên cứu gần đây của Đại học Jerusalem xác nhận quả cây cơm cháy tăng tốc thời gian lành bệnh .

15. Whatever it was sped up this boy's aging process it's still working.

16. Risking a false step in the bog, she sped over the path.

17. Riders sped to every part of the empire, and the Jews prepared for battle

Những người cưỡi ngựa đưa thư đến khắp đế quốc, và người Do Thái chuẩn bị chiến đấu

18. She then flagged down a motorcycle taxi and sped off to a meeting.

Sau đó, chị kêu xe gắn máy chở khách để đi dự một buổi nhóm họp.

19. It also sped checking and registration of business, thus reducing delays by a week

20. 9 They sped through the American southwest with the law hot on their heels.

21. At times , labor may need to be induced or sped up for medical reasons .

Đôi khi chuyển dạ có thể cần phải được giục sanh vì một số lý do y học .

22. Perhaps he never properly understood, she thought, as the car sped along the roads to Yonder.

23. The weapons sped on across the empty glade into the wood and there found their mark.

24. Synonyms for Barrelled include rushed, dashed, raced, hurried, sped, speeded, ran, run, flew and flown

25. After 12 years on the road, Voyager 2 now sped toward its rendezvous with Neptune.

Sau hơn 12 năm rong ruổi, Voyager 2 giờ đây từ từ tiến đến cuộc hẹn với Sao Hải Vương.

26. Synonyms for Coursed include ran, run, raced, flowed, gushed, rushed, streamed, cascaded, sped and speeded

27. The train sped toward the war front, groaning under its load of exuberant German soldiers.

28. He sped away with them still on amber, narrowly avoiding a car coming the other way.

29. (Deuteronomy 23:12, 13) This kept the camp sanitary and sped up the process of decomposition.

30. Since July of 2012, the solar wind has decreased, while the galactic wind has sped up.

Kể từ tháng 7/ 2012, gió Mặt Trời đã yếu đi trong khi gió Ngân Hà lại mạnh lên.

31. Quickly they piled into the car, which sped noisily and dangerously off through the quotidian traffic.

32. When “spirited tunes” were played, the diners “sped up to an average of 5.1 bites per minute.”

33. It crunched round on the gravel in front of the house then sped off through the gates scattering white stones.

34. I continued playing as the Brigadier sped away in his jeep, to the cheers of the fairly large crowd.

35. 14 We sped from the car park undetected and screeched to a halt outside the flower shop, as instructed.

36. They sped along on nimble feet; the musicians played; their cloaks swirled, they laughed and gambolled in their finery.

37. This time a wicked module of rock jutting from an otherwise clear trajectory rapped my ankle as I sped past.

38. Although he arrived around midnight, the streets were lined with thousands who cheered and waved as his limousine sped by.

39. West of the embattled Marianas, Task Force 58 (TF 58) sped to intercept a large Japanese surface force approaching from the Philippines.

Về phía Tây quần đảo Mariana, Lực lượng Đặc nhiệm 58 được tung ra để đánh chặn một lực lượng Hải quân Nhật hùng hậu đến từ Philippines.

40. He whisked the paper out from under my pen and sped to the back room, where I presume the credit bureau was being contacted.

41. It sped along a deep green flood plain, over rocky rivers, through anonymous towns and raced Japanese cars on trackside roads.

42. The other, known as the Cursorial theory, posits that flight arose in small, bipedal terrestrial theropod dinosaurs that sped along the ground …

43. Next, they finished off Sendai, already blazing from the attack of American cruisers, then sped at 32 knots to close on Hatsukaze.

Sau đó họ kết liễu tàu tuần dương Nhật Bản Sendai vốn đã bị hỏa lực tàu tuần dương Hoa Kỳ bắn cháy, rồi di chuyển với tốc độ 32 hải lý một giờ (59 km/h) để tiếp cận Hatsukaze.

44. Cultus Lake is one of the few lakes along the Cascade Lakes National Scenic Byway that allows high sped motorized water craft

45. As we moved into central Japan the landscape became mountainous before finally, the train sped through the sprawling megalopolis of the east coast.

46. 16 A white-faced Mathilda sped by me in the gallery but Benjamin was shouting for me so I decided not to accost her.

47. 21 En route, the bus sped through a routine road checkpoint, and the traffic police gave chase and stopped it, suspecting that it carried contraband.

48. #CofferdamThis is the complete version sped up.This timelapse video was shot and edited by Lynn Hemeon Whatdafunk by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative

49. The Contactee didn’t wait around to watch the UFO take-off, but revved up his pick-up and sped home as quickly as possible

50. The shooter stayed with the scene until the van siren Bleated out a warning to move the crowd, then turned down a street access ramp and sped away