spearhead in Vietnamese

Danh từ
1. mũi giáo, mũi mác
2. tổ mũi nhọn, tổ xung kích; mũi nhọn

Ngoại Động từ
chĩa mũi nhọn (cuộc tấn công...)

Sentence patterns related to "spearhead"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "spearhead" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "spearhead", or refer to the context using the word "spearhead" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Did Britain direct the spearhead chiefly at Egypt?

2. What spearhead principle in swimming competitions?

3. I like Spearhead and the Beastie Boys.

4. American troops formed the spearhead of the attack.

5. A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack.

6. Moran was the spearhead of the valley's conservation movement.

7. 20 American troops formed the spearhead of the attack.

8. He seemed to spearhead every important city so fearlessly and successfully.

9. The new managing director will act as spearhead of the campaign.

10. The group became the spearhead of the labor union movement.

11. Poland's trade union Solidarity became the spearhead for revolt against Communist rule.

12. During this process, National High - tech Zone should a role of spearhead.

13. This week's auction round was meant to spearhead development despite that stalled legislation.

14. Likewise, public relations may use advertising to support or spearhead a publicity programme to reinforce messages.

15. Diana was the spearhead of the American invasion of Britain, the celebrity culture,'says Houston. "

16. The Hinduja group has formed as an independent company to spearhead its defence business.

Tập đoàn Hinduja đã thành lập như một công ty độc lập để đi đầu trong hoạt động kinh doanh quốc phòng.

17. Ale partners with sheriffs and police chiefs to spearhead enforcement operations aimed at making communities safer

18. They became the spearhead of political disaffection which was usually manifested in, the form of strikes.

19. Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun is helping spearhead a new fund to help children with leukaemia.

20. Air power became the spearhead of attack... blasting clear a path for his ground forces.

21. F2s, armed with the L/43 gun, which he deployed to spearhead his armored offensives.

F2, được trang bị với pháo L/43, triển khai mũi nhọn chiến dịch tấn công bọc thép của ông.

22. In order to control them yesterday's remarks, though weakened tone, but spearhead a more explicit.

23. This diplomacy served its global strategy and the spearhead was pointed at its major opponent, the former Soviet Unio...

24. The most visible vehicles of the war were the tanks, forming the armored spearhead of mechanized warfare.

Các phương tiên dễ thấy nhất trong chiến tranh là xe tăng, hình thành các mũi nhọn thiết giáp của chiến tranh cơ giới.

25. It would become the spearhead of a growing southern liberal movement in the 1920's and 1930's.

26. Sadly for Graham we haven't got too many players of true international quality to spearhead his attack this way.

27. The spearhead of their sales drive was cooking and water heating, in which their major competitors were the gas boards.

28. The Luftwaffe had given priority to attacking the French 7th Army's spearhead into the Netherlands as it threatened the Moerdijk bridgehead.

Không quân Đức tập trung tấn công mũi nhọn tiến vào Hà Lan của tập đoàn quân số 7 Pháp vì nó đe dọa đến đầu cầu Moerdijk.

29. The tight ranks wavered and melted before the driving spearhead, even though it was now sadly deformed and its speed slackened.

30. Marcus also established and leads Alexandria’s dedicated COVID-19 Task Force and continues to spearhead the company’s comprehensive response to the ongoing

31. Meanwhile, a cargo plane carrying sensitive military weapons goes missing over Pakistan, and Vice President Keaton uses his military expertise to spearhead the situation.

32. INTERNATIONAL child Abduction is a growing problem and a Liverpool law firm is now helping spearhead efforts to deal with the issue

33. Harry and Meghan talk about decision to leave royal life London (CNN)Buckingham Palace says it may consider Appointing someone to spearhead its efforts around diversity

34. Spearhead Studios has really managed to develop a great game with huge fun guarantee and hours of fun with The Rise of Tzar – Empire Awakens.

35. The German spearhead was still formed by their occupation (about 40-50 men) of the National Life Insurance building north of the traffic bridge.

Mũi chọn của quân Đức vẫn là lực lượng khoảng 40-50 người đóng trong tòa nhà Bảo hiểm Nhân thọ Quốc gia ở phía bắc cây cầu giao thông.

36. As the feudal society was transformed into the early capitalist society of Europe, the Bourgeoisie were the spearhead of progress in industry and science and of social change.

37. Persson began as Prime Minister where he left office as Minister for Finance – by continuing to spearhead government efforts to alleviate Sweden's chronic budget deficit.

Persson đã bắt đầu làm Thủ tướng nơi ông rời nhiệm sở làm Bộ trưởng Tài chính - bằng cách tiếp tục nỗ lực của chính phủ nhằm giảm bớt thâm hụt ngân sách kinh niên của Thụy Điển.

38. Arbutus Healthcare Private Limited is conceptualized a vision to spearhead innovation in the field of pharmaceuticals with an objective to provide quality innovative and affordable therapeutic solutions.

39. Ogoni Movement Dissolves Factions, Appoints Committee To Spearhead Agitations MOSOP stated in a release that the committee members were drawn from the six kingdoms of Ogoni nation to coordinate its

40. It is expected that ach Member of Parliament will spearhead development of one Gram Panchayat as a model one by 2016, then two more by 2019 and thereafter five more by 2024.

41. 5 For we have found this man to be a pest,*+ stirring up seditions+ among all the Jews throughout the inhabited earth, and he is a spearhead of the sect of the Naz·a·renesʹ.

5 Chúng tôi thấy tên này là kẻ gây rối,*+ xúi giục người Do Thái trên khắp đất nổi loạn,+ và là kẻ cầm đầu giáo phái của người Na-xa-rét.

42. Thus, the government of Bermuda has recognized the need and its responsibility as having some of the Sargasso Sea within its national jurisdiction -- but the vast majority is beyond -- to help spearhead a movement to achieve protection for this vital area.