solum tympani in Vietnamese

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Sentence patterns related to "solum tympani"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "solum tympani" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "solum tympani", or refer to the context using the word "solum tympani" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum Arrogantis est, sed etiam omnino dissoluti

2. The rendering of the zhoufang the positive just right solum impersonate this magic power.

3. Nam neglegere, quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum Arrogantis est, sed etiam omnino dissoluti

4. Objective: To analysis the incidence of large sinus tympani and provide valuable reference for clinical otology by HRCT.

5. Hoc orationis actu Episcoporum Coetus admonere voluit, non solum verbis, de praestantia intrinsecae coniunctionis inter Celebrationem eucharisticam et Adorationem

6. The spiral of the Cochlea is separated by the osseous spiral lamina and consists of the scala tympani (lower portion), scala media and …

7. Aubrey and Birome soils have a solum 20 to 40 inches thick and are on nearby slopes and ridges

8. Hoc orationis actu Episcoporum Coetus admonere voluit, non solum verbis, de praestantia intrinsecae coniunctionis inter Celebrationem eucharisticam et Adorationem

9. Arrogantis quotes from YourDictionary: Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum Arrogantis est, sed etiam omnino dissoluti.

10. Apud quemcumque colonus iuris alieni fuerit inventus, is non solum eundem origini suae restituat, verum super eodem Capitationem temporis agnoscat

11. Balkin--like Akhil Amar, Larry Solum, and other heavyweight liberal legal theorists--wants to reconcile originalism with progressive living constitutionalism

12. Hoc orationis actu Episcoporum Coetus admonere voluit, non solum verbis, de praestantia intrinsecae coniunctionis inter Celebrationem eucharisticam et Adorationem

13. Hoc orationis actu Episcoporum Coetus admonere voluit, non solum verbis, de praestantia intrinsecae coniunctionis inter Celebrationem eucharisticam et Adorationem

14. Hoc orationis actu Episcoporum Coetus admonere voluit, non solum verbis, de praestantia intrinsecae coniunctionis inter Celebrationem eucharisticam et Adorationem

15. The superior wall or roof of the mastoid Antrum is known as the tegmen mastoideum, which continues anteriorly as the tegmen tympani.

16. And he was no fool that said, Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum Arrogantis est, sed et dissoluti

17. Ille est vere castus, qui deum Attendit et ad ipsum solum se tenet' (words of Adeodatus, but strongly approved by A

18. Exemplar huius editionis solum nobis servatum notas manu scriptas praebet quae Attributionem Roberti Greene praetendunt, comoedi ac satyrici anno 1592 mortui.

19. We describe a patient with carotid dissection and ipsilateral ageusia in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, presumably from a lesion of the chorda tympani.

20. Ageusia in carotid dissection is explained by the close anatomic relation of the internal carotid artery and the chorda tympani in the short petrous bone. However, since extension of the space-occupying, dissecting intramural hematoma into the carotid channel as in our patient occurs infrequently – a probable precondition for the chorda tympani lesion – loss of taste is accordingly very rare.

21. Beaucoup soils formed in silty clay loam alluvial sediments and are commonly stratified in the lower part of the solum and in the C horizon

22. The Cochlea is a shell-like structure of the inner ear which is comprised of two canals (the Scala vestibule and the Scala tympani) and the organ of Corti

23. Boni esse," sive Affirmantis, ut illud solum ad inter-rogationem pertineat, quod ait "a Nazareth ?," sive totum cum dubitatione interrogantis, non video quomodo discernatur

24. Homines qui De Stijl favebant puram Abstractionem et quod universalitatem appellare solebant per formas coloresque imminuendos suadebant; compositiones recte et librate simplificabant, solum nigro, albo, coloribusque primariis utentes.

25. Negligere quid de se quisque sentiat, non solum Arrogantis est, sed omnino dissoluti—To be careless of what others think of us, not only indicates an arrogant, but an utterly abandoned character