soli in Vietnamese

số nhiều của solo

Sentence patterns related to "soli"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "soli" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "soli", or refer to the context using the word "soli" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Acetylidy sú chemické zlúčeniny, soli alkínov

2. He wanted only to please God: "soli Deo placere desiderans" (II Dialogues, Prol.

3. 19 There are diplomatic risks to any Iraqi incursion, according to international relations expert Soli Ozel.

4. 24 He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him, so he smiled to hide his fear.

5. Bowmanova ovojnica filtrira kri, pri čemer skoznjo prehajajo majhne molekule, kot so voda, soli, sladkor, velike molekule, npr

6. At the end of his manuscript Handel wrote the letters "SDG"—Soli Deo Gloria, "To God alone the glory".

Cuối bản thảo Handel ghi "SDG" – Soli Deo Gloria, "Sự vinh hiển chỉ dành riêng cho Thiên Chúa".

7. Bach often signed his cantatas with SDG, short for Soli Deo Gloria ("glory to the only God" / "glory to God alone").

Bach thường viết tắt SDG (Soli Deo Gloria – Vinh hiển chỉ thuộc về Thiên Chúa) vào cuối các bảng tổng phổ của ông.

8. The Bochnia Salt Mine (Polish: Kopalnia soli Bochnia) in Bochnia, Poland is one of the oldest salt mines in the world and the oldest one in Poland.

Mỏ muối Bochnia (tiếng Ba Lan: kopalnia soli w Bochni) ở Bochnia, Ba Lan là một trong những mỏ muối lâu đời nhất trên thể giới.

9. Synonyms : anhydrous Caustic soda / Caustic alkali / Caustic flake / Caustic soda, soli d / Caustic white / Caustic, flaked / hydrate of soda / hydroxide of soda / LEWIS red devil lye / soda lye / sodium hydrate / sodium hydroxide, pellets

10. L'algebra di Boole è la trattazione dell'algebra universale a due stati e dei modelli di tale teoria, detti algebre booleane.L'algebra universale si occupa di studiare la famiglia di operazioni su un insieme, detto insieme fondamentale della famiglia algebrica e, nel caso della struttura algebrica Booleana, questo contiene i soli valori 0 e 1

11. Auprès de toi - aria, 1936 Arlequins-fantaisie Gavotte ancienne Menuetto allegretto Triptyque for strings and harpsichord Deux mouvements pour les temps venus Trinôme for orchestra, soli and wind trio Concerto for saxophone alto and orchestra Symphonie de danses for orchestra and saxophone trio Espace, intensité (symphonie libre) Les heures, Trois mouvements symphoniques 1.

12. Veteres Capitationem, sen Capitulare tributum; quod alteram pensionem tributi vocat Plinius, ubi de cocco, pensionem alteram tributi pauperibus Hispaniae donare, ait: Nempe tributorum collatio, ut Festus notat, duplex fuit, alia in capite, alia in censu; tributumque alterum capiris, alrerum soli: quorum hoc pro modo facultatum et praediorum imponebatur; illud ex aequo pauperes divitesque

13. Bromidy jsou soli kyseliny bromovodíkové (H Br), obsahují Bromidový aniont Br −.Jejich nejznámějšími zástupci jsou Bromid sodný (NaBr) a Bromid draselný (KBr), široce používané jako (dnes již obsoletní - nepoužívané) antikonvulzivum a sedativum koncem 19