slipped meniscus in Vietnamese

Trật sụn khớp, sai sụn khớp.

Sentence patterns related to "slipped meniscus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slipped meniscus" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slipped meniscus", or refer to the context using the word "slipped meniscus" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Ram slipped.

2. They slipped.

Ngủ mê, rơi khỏi giường.

3. “Blunting of the meniscus” is a radiologic description of how the edge of a meniscus may appear when a knee MRI scan has been performed

4. Improvements in the selection of suitable meniscus size and surgical technique and fixation might offer the potential of substantial advances in long-term function following allogenic meniscus transplantation.

5. Propellers, and I slipped.

Phải, em đang nhìn xuống chân vịt rồi trượt chân.

6. We've slipped behind schedule.

7. She's slipped a disc.

8. They slipped away unobtrusively.

9. PRP; Lipogems; Cartilage Treatment; Meniscus; Cellular Bone; Amniotic Membrane; Other Biologics; Rehab

10. So I tore my knee joint meniscus cartilage playing soccer in college.

Tôi đã bị vỡ khớp sụn đầu gối khi đang chơi bóng đá ở trường đại học.

11. The meniscus, capillary action, and surface tension are the effects of Cohesion.

12. It slipped my mind.

13. She slipped up Parkman.

Cô ấy lăng nhăng, Parkman.

14. The ship slipped its moorings.


Tin chính thức là trượt té chết chìm.

16. He slipped out, and soon others took heart in his boldness and slipped out too.

17. One just slipped the fence.

1 vừa nhảy qua hàng rào

18. The dog slipped his collar.

19. She slipped on the ice.

20. My tongue must've slipped because...

À vâng, tôi hơi bị líu lưỡi vì...

21. The hours slipped past almost unnoticed.

22. I slipped on the crab.

Toi vấp con cua.

23. My dog slipped its whelps.

24. He slipped unawares into sleep.

25. Indications Peripheral incomplete or complete longitudinal tears of the medial or lateral meniscus.