slaughtering in Vietnamese

Danh từ
sự mổ súc vật để làm thịt; sự sát sinh

Sentence patterns related to "slaughtering"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slaughtering" from the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slaughtering", or refer to the context using the word "slaughtering" in the English - Vietnamese Medical Dictionary.

1. Backfatter: Slaughtering the breeding pigs

2. A butcher was slaughtering a piglet there.

3. Abraham took hold of the slaughtering knife.

Áp-ra-ham cầm chặt con dao để giết.

4. The killing of cattle and the slaughtering of sheep,

Mổ bò và giết cừu,

5. Examples: she Blenched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf.

6. Thus herders would avoid slaughtering a milk-producing cow.

Do đó, những người chăn nuôi tránh giết bò sữa.

7. Examples: she Blenched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

8. As a reward for betraying Robb Stark and slaughtering his family.

Như phần thưởng cho việc phản bội lại Robb Stark và tàn sát gia đình cậu ta.

9. The carcass quality of Linwu mallard was measured after slaughtering.

10. He was being brought just like a sheep to the slaughtering.”

Như chiên con bị dắt đến hàng làm thịt”.

11. The Rus' plundered the dwellings and the monasteries, slaughtering the captives.

Người Rus cướp bóc các ngôi nhà và các tu viện, giết người, bắt tù nhân.

12. Hindus revere cows and slaughtering them is illegal in most of India.

13. 24 This method of slaughtering chickens is now regarded by many as inhumane.

14. They were “being put to death all day long” like “sheep for slaughtering.”

Họ “bị giết cả ngày” giống như “chiên định đem đến hàng làm thịt”.

15. And the revolters have gone deep into slaughtering , Though I am a chastisement to them all.

16. He kept tiger and cheetah cubs as house pets and was famous for slaughtering ducks.

17. From then on, the story turns into little more than an account of men slaughtering each other.

18. Butchering Poultry, Rabbit, Lamb, Goat, and Pork: The Comprehensive Photographic Guide to Humane Slaughtering and Butchering

19. 28 A family member in the case’s household works as a caterer, frequently processing poultry product, including slaughtering.

20. Because the growing, feeding and slaughtering of kosher chickens are supervised by rabbis, all growers must meet certain standards.

21. On that ground, the Belgian authorities immediately adopted a series of measures, including the slaughtering of pigs from the infected holdings and the prohibition of slaughtering in the infected area and in adjoining areas ( I refer the Court to the documents in the case for further details ).

22. Slaughtering of this magnitude is nothing short of a criminal act, indicating incompetence in policy and management chaos.

23. Treat the rebels as a... cow that we draw milk from... rather than slaughtering the cow, and receiving no milk.

Rồi coi đám phản loạn đó... là một con bò để chúng ta vắt sữa... còn hơn là mổ thịt nó rồi mất luôn sữa.

24. Self-appointed cow protectors are increasingly conducting raids and attacks, claiming the police don’t take adequate action against those slaughtering cows.

25. “It has organized its meat slaughtering; it has mixed its wine; more than that, it has set in order its table.”

“Giết các con thú mình, pha rượu nho mình, và dọn bàn tiệc mình rồi”.

26. ‘At present the Abattoir is slaughtering animals for the domestic market.’ ‘It was reported earlier that the Abattoir will start slaughtering in November.’ ‘The sale of meat from an animal not slaughtered in an Abattoir is also illegal.’ ‘This led the company to convert a part of the Abattoir to slaughter small stock.’

27. During poultry slaughtering, fatty Byproducts are generated, mainly comprising abdominal and gizzard fat, which are mostly discarded and result in consequent environmental problems

28. She has supported their wars and has blessed armies on opposing sides, resulting in people of the same religion slaughtering one another.

Nó ủng hộ chiến tranh và ban phước cho quân đội của cả hai bên đối địch nhau, hậu quả là những người cùng đạo giết hại lẫn nhau (Ma-thi-ơ 26:51, 52; I Giăng 4:20, 21).

29. Try to avoid slaughtering and Butchering cattle, or any other animals, during fly season, which is typically between May and October in most countries except Australia

30. The soldiers were battle-weary and hungry, ‘and the people began slaughtering animals on the earth and fell to eating along with the blood.’

Quân lính chiến đấu đã đuối sức và đói lả, ‘dân-sự bèn xông vào giết thú vật trên đất, rồi ăn thịt lộn với huyết’.

31. And, more recently, has it prevented Serbian Orthodox, Croatian Catholics, and Bosnian Muslims from pursuing “ethnic cleansing,” plundering, raping, and slaughtering one another?

Và gần đây hơn, tôn giáo có ngăn cản những người Serb theo Chính thống giáo, người Croat theo Công giáo, và người Bosnia theo Hồi giáo tham gia vào việc “tảo thanh chủng tộc”, cướp bóc, hãm hiếp, và giết hại lẫn nhau không?

32. Slaughtering Cow has been a taboo, with some texts suggest taking care of a Cow is a means of taking care of "all living beings"

33. The pigs are then allowed to roam in pasture and oak groves to feed naturally on grass, herbs, acorns, chestnuts, and roots, until the slaughtering time approaches.

Những con lợn này sau đó được thả đi lang thang trong đồng cỏ và gỗ sồi vườn để chúng ăn uống tự nhiên trên đồng cỏ, ăn các loại thảo mộc, quả đấu, và rễ, cho đến khi đến thời gian giết mổ.

34. Amiral offers complete range of products & services included in meat value chain including animal slaughtering service for business & individual clients specially for HAJJ & UMRAH Pilgrams.

35. The amount and quality of Bristles depend on the hog’s breed, age, and sex, as well as on the growing region, the season of slaughtering, and the means of collection

36. (John 13:34) So we are “not like Cain,” who showed that he “originated with the wicked one” by ‘slaughtering his brother’ in a violent manner characteristic of the manslayer Satan.

Như thế chúng ta không phải “như Ca-in”, đã tỏ ra “thuộc về ma-quỉ” lúc “giết em mình” theo lối hung độc của Sa-tan, kẻ giết người (Sáng-thế Ký 4:2-10; Giăng 8:44).

37. Indeed, “there is a generation whose teeth are swords and whose jawbones are slaughtering knives, to eat up the afflicted ones off the earth and the poor ones from among mankind.”

Thật vậy, “có một dòng-dõi nanh tợ gươm, hàm răng như dao, đặng cắn-xé những người khó-khăn khỏi đất, và những kẻ nghèo-khổ khỏi loài người”.

38. Levite, member of a group of clans of religious functionaries in ancient Israel who apparently were given a special religious status, Conjecturally for slaughtering idolaters of the golden calf during the time of Moses (Ex

39. Levite, member of a group of clans of religious functionaries in ancient Israel who apparently were given a special religious status, Conjecturally for slaughtering idolaters of the golden calf during the time of Moses (Ex

40. The Hopi community of Awat’ovi existed peacefully on Arizona’s Antelope Mesa for generations until one bleak morning in the fall of 1700―raiders from nearby Hopi villages descended on Awat’ovi, slaughtering their neighboring men, women, and children

41. Crake was unaware that Brand was a French agent, but nevertheless had no problem participating in his brutal actions, taking part in slaughtering a group of French deserters who had been set up by Brand's handler, Cresson, with faulty ammunition.

42. Are you not the children of transgression, the seed of falsehood, those who are working up passion among big trees, under every luxuriant tree, slaughtering the children in the torrent valleys under the clefts of the crags?” —Isaiah 57:4, 5.

Các ngươi hành-dâm với nhau trong cây dẻ, dưới cây rậm, giết con-cái nơi trũng, dưới lỗ nẻ vầng đá!”—Ê-sai 57:4, 5.

43. Cringe - draw back, as with fear or pain; "she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf" flinch , funk , quail , recoil , wince , shrink , squinch move - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"

44. 27 The proverbial saying ends with final orders to the conquering Medes and Persians: “Make ready, you men, a slaughtering block for his own sons because of the error of their forefathers, that they may not rise up and actually take possession of the earth and fill the face of the productive land with cities.”

45. As well as Bastardising the English langauage since the tea party the Yanks have als been Bastardising history, the world has gone mad Mandella was no more a hero then Floyd just murdering scumbag terrorist like all those slaughtering elderly white farmers and children in south Africa today being killed and ignored by MSM because blacks now

46. God and Mammon, or, No fellowship betwixt light and darknesse : the superstitious and true worshipper : also authentick reasons, and infallible arguments, proving that those wicked incendiaries that have been and now are resident about the king, ought to suffer Condigne punishment, as having been the opposers of true reformation, the occasioners of the slaughtering of many thousands of Gods